Pins, needles, and horrible crawly sensations

Posted by kerbowski @kerbowski, May 26, 2018

For a couple of years I’ve been taking pramipexole at night for what I thought was restless leg syndrome. But now the crawly feelings in my calf muscles at night has intensified to throughout my body at any time of day and pins and needles sensations all over as well. I’m taking buspirone twice daily and some Xanax at night to sleep.
Any ideas? I’ve been referred to a neurologist but haven’t heard from his office yet.

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Hello @kerbowski, I have the numbness with my neuropathy but have never had the crawly sensations. I have no medical training or background so cannot offer advice other than to keep asking questions and learning as much as you can about your health issues. I did some searching using your terms and came up with a few references to the symptoms "pins, needles, and crawly sensations".

NIH - Paresthesia Information Page

MS Trust - Tingling, crawling, burning or prickling in the skin. What IS going on here?

@kerbowski have you had any other tests done for neuropathy? Hoping you hear from the neurologist soon.



It sounds like you may have Charcot, Marie, Tooth condition (CMT) and a neurologist needs to conduct nerve conductivity tests. DNA can then give you the type oF CMT. GOOD LUCK


It sounds like you may have Charcot, Marie, Tooth condition (CMT) and a neurologist needs to conduct nerve conductivity tests. DNA can then give you the type oF CMT. GOOD LUCK

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Thank you so much. I don’t have a clue what CMT might be but I’ll do some research.


Hello @kerbowski, I have the numbness with my neuropathy but have never had the crawly sensations. I have no medical training or background so cannot offer advice other than to keep asking questions and learning as much as you can about your health issues. I did some searching using your terms and came up with a few references to the symptoms "pins, needles, and crawly sensations".

NIH - Paresthesia Information Page

MS Trust - Tingling, crawling, burning or prickling in the skin. What IS going on here?

@kerbowski have you had any other tests done for neuropathy? Hoping you hear from the neurologist soon.


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John, no tests yet but I’m waiting to hear from a local neurologist (11 days so far since referral) then also a leading university hospital in our state. Thank you so much!


Why doesn’t anyone ever talk about severe neuropathy due to very strong chemo? I have been dealing with it for about three years now. I would love to hear from others with the same condition.Are you out there?


Why doesn’t anyone ever talk about severe neuropathy due to very strong chemo? I have been dealing with it for about three years now. I would love to hear from others with the same condition.Are you out there?

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Hello @jenna12,

There is a discussion that you might want to read through to meet others who have posted about chemo induced neuropathy. Here is the link to the discussion:

– Chemotherapy-induced neuropathy: What helps get rid of it?

I’d like to introduce you to other members who have peripheral neuropathy due to chemo. Please meet @pedie @crystalgal @pwarren @allisonsnow @lisamaria @caf132 @greenville50 to name a few.



Why doesn’t anyone ever talk about severe neuropathy due to very strong chemo? I have been dealing with it for about three years now. I would love to hear from others with the same condition.Are you out there?

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Thank you so much John.

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