Pins & Needles

Posted by leeisme @leeisme, Jun 16, 2023

I started getting pins and needles in my fingers and toes about a year ago, then over a period of a month or so it spread to my hands and feet, then it started spreading up my left calf. Minor numbness also. It's not 24/7, just comes and goes with no apparent reason but is more noticeable in the early morning. The symptoms are not severe, there is no pain, and I can walk and function ok. It's just not normal. I was terrified that it would spread to my heart or brain and kill me (I've since learned that this condition affects only the peripheral nervous system, and not the brain or heart). It got better in November for a few months, and now it's worse again. Again, still not severe, not painful, just not normal.

I also had a very weird incident where I woke up and a large part of my scalp was numb ... it returned to normal a few minutes later. And two or three times in the last year since this started, my tongue felt like I had licked a battery - that also dissipated after a few minutes. And sometimes when I wash my hands, it feels extra cold, as if I'd used rubbing alcohol instead of water.
I've had MRIs of the brain and upper spine and numerous blood tests (Lead, Complete Blood Count, High Sensitivity CRP, Vitamin B12-Folate, Serum Panel; Methylmalonic Acid, SED Rate by Modified Westergren, ANA Screen, IFA; Comprehensive Metabolic Panel, Diabetes Risk, Lyme Disease).  Everything was normal.  I had Lyme Disease in 2007 and got treated. 
EMGs show ok for the feet ( the symptoms are usually most severe in my left foot), some carpal tunnel syndrome issues with my hands. Also had an 'ultrasound bilateral carotid' which shows blood is getting to the brain ok.

Neurologist says I somehow managed to get carpal tunnel syndrome due to repetitive motions in both my hands (although I don't work on a computer, don't play video games, and don't do repetitive motions), at the same time that I got similar issues in my feet from crossing my legs (although I rarely sit or cross my legs, and the timing of the sensation is on and off, especially mornings, and has nothing to do with when my legs may be crossed), and the scalp issue was from a migraine although I don't get migraines. ?!?!?

I'm female age 59, otherwise very healthy, non-smoker, not over- or under-weight, and eat plenty of whole grains and fruit, minimal alcohol, only bad habit is a major sweet tooth which I've had all my life. I quit sugar cold turkey for four months when this happened; no effect. Just started taking Metformin which lowers blood sugar just in case there's something going on that doesn't show up on blood tests - that's the only med I take. No accidents or trauma.

I take supplements NMN and alpha lipoic acid, and just started D-3 due to a recommendation by a member of another forum. I also take occasional glucosamine chondroitin with MSN, multi vitamin, multi mineral, vitamin K, enzymes, ginkgo biloba - maybe one or two of the above each day as I don't want to be popping a lot of pills. I started all except glucosamine chondroitin in the past year - I've been taking glucosamine chondroitin (although without the MSN) on and off for 20 years.
I'd love to hear from anyone who can help figure out what's going on. Did it ever go away? What other tests do you recommend? Meds / supplements?  Any studies I could join?

And, does anyone know a good neurologist in the Philadelphia area?

Thank you.

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Hello @leeisme, Welcome to Connect. The Neuropathy Commons website has a find a doctor page that shows this neurologist in PA - Also, the NHS website has some information that may be helpful here:
--- Possible causes of pins and needles:

I've had pins and needles in different locations but mostly arms and legs when sleeping in an awkward position and I think probably cutting off the blood flow to the specific area. Paresthesia is a condition that can cause numbness and tingling in various parts of the body and may be similar to what you are describing.
--- What Is Paresthesia?:

There is a discussion that you might find helpful:
--- Paresthesia, abnormal sensations:

You mentioned it's more noticeable in the morning. Have you thought about keeping a log when it happens to see if there are any patterns of when/why it might be happening?

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