Posted by naiviv @naiviv, Mar 16, 2023

Has anyone experienced a PICC line placement to administer antibiotics? Have you ever been diagnosed with Mastoiditis?

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Not me, thank heaven


I had a PICC line put when I was get 2 transfusion of antibiotics everyday. Dr. Said it would be to hard on my veins . I was very thankful to have one put in. They give me, IVs and blood draws through the PICC line. To me it was a blessing.


I have had a PICC line. Two weeks ago. Placement was uncomfortable, wouldn’t call it pain.


Sorry to hear that. My husband didn’t have any issues during the placement procedure. Did nurses come in to help you?


Sorry to hear that. My husband didn’t have any issues during the placement procedure. Did nurses come in to help you?

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The person who placed the PICC used my body as his sterile field. Nurses couldn’t have gotten to me. I’m also a RN. I think I just didn’t like the idea of the line ending in my heart. The antibiotics (abx) required a central line. I happened to have a CT w/contrast the next week using the PICC. If you’ve ever had a CT w/contrast, they tell you you’re going to feel like you’re urinating when the contrast gets to the groin area. With a PICC line, the contrast goes into your heart first. The heat starts in your neck, then chest and then groin. Very strange feeling. My 14 days of abx are over and PICC has been pulled. This getting old process is not for weenies. I might be a weenie. Lol.


I am a Retired RN and believe me we become weenies🤣 My husband is the one who has the Picc for antibiotics.

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