Peripheral neuropathy - Anyone had a Fat Pad biopsy?
Hi everyone, hoping everyone has a bit of relief today on this beautiful Sunday.
I have long nerve damage along with SFN. I was always active and now can barely walk, it feels as if I am walking on rocks. My knees feel locked and the nerves sometimes affect my stomach. Some days I don’t want to go on, it’s been three years on gabapentin which just takes the edge off. My Dr. wants to do a Fat Pad biopsy to see where the neuropathy is coming from. Has anyone else had this procedure done? Also is there live meetings on line?
Thank you,
Judy Eccles
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So sorry you have such pain. I’m no expert, but since you know there is long nerve damage and SFN, how would the biopsy show the cause? Also, as I recall you had some spine damage that caused it? Is that still thought to be the reason for it?
I don’t have any pain, and for that for that I am grateful, but I was under the impression that the only treatment for the pain from neuropathy are meds like Gabapentin. Do you have particular concerns about the biopsy?
Hi Judy @judyeccles, We added a little to your discussion title to help members with experience find your discussion. Here's some information on the test from Neuropathy Commons for those not familiar with the test.
"Abdominal Fat-Pad Biopsy
Involves removing a tiny amount of fat from under the skin of the belly using a needle and local anesthesia. This can detect deposits of abnormal protein known as amyloid. If this protein builds up in nerves, it can cause neuropathy."
-- Blood Tests To Identify Medical Causes of Neuropathy:
There are a few members who have posted about having a Fat Pad biopsy. Here's a link that shows members who have mentioned Fat Pad biopsy in comments -
Does your doctor suspect you may have another condition that is causing the neuropathy?
I had the Fat Pad test a couple years ago at Mayo Clinic Rochester. The actual extraction of a very small amount of fat (less than a half teaspoonful) from my belly took a matter of seconds! It did not hurt at all during or after the procedure. By far and away, it was the quickest and certainly the least uncomfortable of all the tests I had done in the workup diagnosing my MGUS.
Thank you John,
I appreciate the feedback.
My Dr. thinks there may be another condition, but mostly he has said that it would help to maybe pinpoint what is causing it since 50% of neuropathy’s are unknown.
As a retired pathologist, we mostly looked at these to diagnose Amyloid deposits within the small blood vessel walls of the fat tissue.
I just had a great done today at Rochester and it was to help determining amyloidosis status. As far as I have seen that was the only reason for it. Although, for some reason the RN decided to use my hip area saying I was too thin. I do have plenty of fat that could be used by the navel; so I hope it was OK to just decide to change locations. Is this supposed to cause discomfort? I did not have any. I just hope that means it was still adequate specimen. I have carpal tunnel and other neuropathy issues but this was done specifically to detect amyloidosis. I hope this helps a little.
What is MGUS and if you don't mind what we're your symptoms into your dx and into doing your testing? Thank you.
I was also wondering what MGUS was..and fat pad test..
I keep “reading and hoping” to find something that will work for my overall pain that seems to be everywhere.. my neuropathy is def getting worse..I have lost faith in a lot of our medical system.. Finding or getting an appt with a good Dr. never mind a specialist here is next to impossible.. Dr’s are so busy with too many patients to see they don’t have the time to spend with patients that have more complex issues.. The Dr. shortage and patient overload is not going away anytime I try to gather info for my conditions and try natural suppliments to see if they will help. I have 1 pain killer and 1 blood pressure med I have to take..I tried that gabapentin but got off it asap.. They give it out like candy here and it’s really not a good drug to thank goodness I weaned myself off it. In my reading tho I came across something called “Shockwave therapy” .. generally done thru a good Chiropractor or Physiotherapist if they offer it and have a machine..
I really did not mean to hijack this post ..but I am going to be trying it one way or another.. it will take me a while to get it all organized cause of rural living etc etc… but wanted to share it sounds like it’s too good to be true ..treats many conditions. I read one story from a man who thinks he has cured his neuropathy..I believe it was created in Switzerland..any how google search and just start reading articles..and keep at it it’s one of those cures that is very hopeful… I also find a red light therapy full body panel helps for pain as well but this I hope to be an actual cure… I could go on and on ..and I really am sorry for taking up so much space ..
I totally agree with you regarding the docs of today.
I have been to at least 6-7 neurologists over the last 12 yrs, with no relief regarding my neuropathy.
Very frustrating indeed!
I have also had a fat pad biopsy done many years ago
Test is easy and not painful.
Biopsy taken from your abdomen as mentioned by the other person
My biopsy was negative for amyloid so onward from there to try and diagnose me.