PCa Genetic Testing
Greetings fellow members,
Does anyone have any knowledge which test is better, or has an advantage over the others to include Polaris, Oncotype Dx or Decipher to detect risk of cancer progression? Thanks in adance!
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Hi @cmartin65 and welcome to Connect. @marko1 has mentioned genetic testing for prostate cancer in the past and may be able to share their experience and offer you support.
While we wait for @marko1 and others, how long have you had prostate cancer? How are you feeling?
Thanks for your reply Ethan. I've been on AS for PCa for a year now with G7(3+4). Been contemplating treatment in the near future IMRT/SBRT vs Proton Beam.
In order to continue with AS for my organ confined adenocarcinoma, T₂aN₀M₀ Gleason Score 3+3, I was advised an Oncotype DX GPS, Prolaris or a repeat mpMRI guided biopsy as my PSA had settled above 10 following the first TRUS guided biopsy. With a very low risk score in the Oncotype DX GPS and the PSA settling below 10 with a negative doubling time, the AS continues. I can't say whether the same patient would undergo both Oncotype DX GPS and the Prolaris tests to be in a position to advise on relative benefits. The treating doctor would be the best person to advise. I saw this write-up and hope it yields some useful information. Best wishes. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5674810/
Thanks for info!