Pancreatic NETs: Looking to connect with anyone with insulinoma
Looking to connect with anyone who has an insulinoma. My tumor presents in the pancrease. I currently have chemotherapy bi weekly since July 2022. This is a rare combination and have struggled with regulating my sugars and hoping to meet someone else with a similar diagnosis.
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I have the same problem in my pancreas
I have the same problem as you and always have low blood sugar syndrome. I tried to live with insulinoma with frequent meals and so on. Anyone to share with me what is your treatment if I don't want the surgery?
My husband started with emboliztion but I have read that PRRT is being considered as a primary treatment for nets now. He also has monthly injections- octreotide. My Best to you!
I have metastatic insulinoma. Mets to the liver. PRRT has not been part of my treatment plan. Currently my treatment plan is monthly injections of Sandostatin LAR. Hepatic artery embolization has been discussed as a future treatment as the tumors progress. Glad to hear he is doing well!
Hello, I am curious if anyone here has been treated with the PRRT for metastatic insulinoma. My husband is completing his 4th round tomorrow and I am curious if any follow-up treatment has been offered after this. He is doing quite well by the way.
Hello @lastround.
In order to follow conversations easier, I suggest two things:
When you are responding to a post, always start the post with the individual's screen name (@name) that they use (as I did when I started this post to you).
Also, when you respond to a post, click on "Reply" that is another way the response gets directed to the person who are responding to.
I hope this helps all in this discussion group including, @margaret12 and @links. This is probably something you have all used, but it is a good reminder.
Thanks Taylor, that is interesting.
Glad to hear that the medication is working. I just finished my 12th round of chemo, so maintaining programs are next
Can these posts get a little more organized? Getting hard to follow conversations posts are all over the place
What hospital are you in?
For both of the 72 hour fasts, the endocrinologist ordered. The first was
done in the hospital in NC. The second was done at Mayo and was started in
the clinic with conversion to hospital if not hypoglycemic by close of
Calcium stimulation was another very helpful test- it will confirm presence
or absence of insulinoma and localize to the region of the pancreas as well
as can be done with the liver. The calcium is used to stimulate the tumors
to produce insulin and results are found in the insulin levels that are
drawn every 20 seconds after injection. This is all done through femoral
arterial and venous lines. This procedure was done at Mayo.
Hope this is helpful. I am happy to continue to answer questions as I truly
understand how challenging this can all be!
Take care.