Painful bloody bowel movements and mucus
My husband has Stage 4 rectal cancer. Had 5 radiation treatments to help with pain and has had 2 chemotherapy treatments so far. When do the painful and bloody bowel movements stop. My husband is on pain meds and can now find ways to sit and sleep, but the pain he has with each bowel movement is horrible. When does it stop? Also has this mucus stuff coming out a lot even when not having a movement. Is that normal for rectal cancer.
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My heart goes to you. Not sure what your entire protocol was- I had 30 radiations and the bloody stool stoop after the first week. It was still painful, but the blood stopped. For me, I have not (knock on wood) had bloody stool since. If he does have more radiation, make sure you get the creams to keep the pelvic area soothed from the burns. And try to stay clean. Nutrition is key, you have to try to manage what goes in when because you lose control once it is in so just hope for a clean evacuation. My mucous started weeks later but there was absurd amounts- almost nonstop, messy and stinky- but that subsided too eventually. Then it turned to straight poo leakage. And the pain, almost unbearable pain- I tried to be brave because I worry about the addiction and foggy head, but the pain meds also cause constipation. So you have to try to balance the bowel movement with the pain pills. Give him lots of hugs, and hugs for you too.
Im.learning that a fissure can also cause extreme pain. But after being at Mayo Rochester I now have a compounded cream that's helping w the fissure
Dr Sawra Mauer in colorectal dept is wonderful..
The pain w bowel movements is excruciating. I use my portable sitz bath plastic insert for toilet. It's soothing and I have it ready all the time . So sorry you are going through this. Im.on morphine and pregabalin and laxatives w stool softeners . Best wishes to you