Pain in right jaw, hip and ankle gives out

Posted by jwillits8 @jwillits8, Oct 7, 2021

Hi! I’m having pain in my right jaw, hip, and my right ankle also gives out at times. I walk off balance to the left. What type of Dr and X-rays do I need?

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Hmm, I think you need to see an orthopedic doctor for your hip and ankle. Then a dentist for the jaw pain.
Each of them will do an exam, take a medical history and determine the proper next steps.
Have you seen or talked to your primary doc about these symptoms?


@jwillits8 It is possible that your issues with the ankle, hip and jaw could be related. An alignment problem in either the ankle or pelvis will affect the other and you may be walking different and compensating. If the pelvis twists out of alignment, it puts a bit of a twist on the spine that commonly also can affect the other end where the jaw is. This puts wear and tear on joints which can lead to a need for knee replacement in the future, so proper body alignment is important. I have had issues like this, and my physical therapist can get everything back where it belongs. She also does myofascial release because when fascial tension holds the body out of alignment, it prevents normal movement. Here is our discussion on myofascial release. The first pages have a lot of information.

Have you had a physical therapy evaluation or heard about MFR before?


I have a certain amount of hypermobility (Beighton Scale) and TMJ, hip/piriformis, and back issues. I got the images made and a referral from an Orthopedic. My PCP was not that interested or informed. I went to an osteopathic PT who treats people with hypermobility and she has given me stretches to strengthen the joints, strength to hold joints in place and worked on balance and gait. For the TMJ, I went to a maxillofacial dentist and got a mouthguard to avoid clenching and a trip to PT to learn the stretches. Round shoulders, holding your head up with your jaw, and posture affect TMJ.


Hmm, I think you need to see an orthopedic doctor for your hip and ankle. Then a dentist for the jaw pain.
Each of them will do an exam, take a medical history and determine the proper next steps.
Have you seen or talked to your primary doc about these symptoms?

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@sueinmn I saw a dentist, my Primary tomorrow and go from there. I’m thinking physical therapy.


@jwillits8 It is possible that your issues with the ankle, hip and jaw could be related. An alignment problem in either the ankle or pelvis will affect the other and you may be walking different and compensating. If the pelvis twists out of alignment, it puts a bit of a twist on the spine that commonly also can affect the other end where the jaw is. This puts wear and tear on joints which can lead to a need for knee replacement in the future, so proper body alignment is important. I have had issues like this, and my physical therapist can get everything back where it belongs. She also does myofascial release because when fascial tension holds the body out of alignment, it prevents normal movement. Here is our discussion on myofascial release. The first pages have a lot of information.

Have you had a physical therapy evaluation or heard about MFR before?

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@jenniferhunter I will see my Primary doctor tomorrow and discuss physical therapy for alignment. Thanks for the information.

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