Oxycodone Alternative: Buprenorphine patches

Posted by cincinnati @cincinnati, Oct 5, 2023

I just replaced 120mg per day Oxycodone regiment with Buprenorfina Patches. (Spanish) I’m 2 weeks on the patch and I’m having some very minor issues that are hopefully just medication adjustment. I had multiple body part injuries from an accident so I have nerve pain and muscle pain. As of this day I have no pain after 2 years of suffering! How long it will last I don’t know but for today I’m able to function pain free and I got off the horrible opiates. If anyone has any experience with this drug please fill me in.

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Hi, @cincinnati, I would like to invite @csearch and @sidegate, who you have already met in the Buprenorphine side effects discussion, to this discussion to continue to share your experiences on the medication. You have created a good topic on an oxycodone alternative other members may find useful as well.

@cincinnati, a few side effects were discussed in that discussion. You mentioned having a few issues, are you comfortable sharing those?


Yes I’m good with helping anyone I can like wise I have been on my own since my injury in 2021. I have only been on the Patch for 2 weeks prior I went through just about everything until I landed on Oxycodone. I was on a 20mg extended delivery system 3 times per day and then 2 months ago in Costa Rica it was pulled from the market. The only replacement was a short delivery Oxy and that was a disaster for pain management! I could take it like popcorn every 3 hours I was back in pain! I decided I needed a change and had to get away from the pills. I had a not very pleasant detox from the pills however with the patch and a antidepressant I got through it and now two weeks later I’m just on the patch, it’s by far more effective for my 2 types of pain. I shattered my shoulder basically but I have chronic pain but not nerve pain, I ruptured 2 disc in my cervical and had a 25% fracture, my lumbar 5 herniated and a fracture and that’s all nerve pain. My shoulder pain is harder to control the pain level than the nerve. The only side effects I’m a little dizzy at times and my balance when I first stand up also some rushing in the ears. My pain level doesn’t exist as long as the patch is on. Before I had pain medication I was in bed 95% of the time I couldn’t even walk.


I would like to know more. Been on the pills for 10 years along with a fentanyl patch. The pill rx is on and off as needed for break thru pain. They take the edge off, but nothing like pain free. The fact that you’re out of bed interests me as I get that. Broke both ankles, broke back with surgery, knee replacement surgery, cancer 12 years ago and again this summer with surgery, broke collar bone, PN in both legs, skin graph from right arm onto tongue as a tongue lap surgery. There’s probably more. I’m 64 and not able to shed pain like I used to. The patches sound like a solid choice, but need more first hand info. Please, at your earliest convenience, lay it out as best you can so I can have an educated conversation with my doc.

Thank you so much,


I’m really new at this I can only tell you that I have been on these patches for going on 3 weeks. I put one on and it helped me with detox from the Oxycodone. I was on Oxycodone for about one and a half years. My doctor prescribed an anti depressant along with the patch and so far I’m pain free for the most part. I have felt low energy a little rushing noise in the ears, I also have a little balance issue when I stand up in the morning. My lungs have cleared up compared to what the Oxycodone did to me. I’m very happy so far and I would just suggest if you want to try it get with your Doctor and see what they think.


Hi @cincinnati, I am glad to hear you are in less pain. I have been through many different pain management alternatives over 30 years of intense nerve pain. I am with you on the Oxy as I only got 3 hours of relief, too, but any relief was good relief from the grinding/gnawing, unrelenting pain I had. I found the 20mg patch good, except (as I previously mentioned) I would have waves of nausea where I would vomit uncontrollably, and then I would feel good again. I worked out that if I left the old patch on for 24 hours after putting the new patch on, this took the issue away and I never again had nausea from the patch. I did find the initial dizziness went by month two. Over time, like oxy, I discovered my body got used to the patch over time, and the pain increased overall. and as much as I didn't want to, I would do one week on oxy to reset the body; otherwise, I ran the risk of going up a dose. I did not suffer any detox issues as I put the patch on day 6, halved the oxy amount, and late on day 7 stopped the oxy. We are all different in how the medicines work. We need to find what works for the individual. Being dependent on painkillers is very different than being addicted to painkillers, and the two should never be confused.

I'm not sure if it is available in Costa Rica, but I would suggest looking into Ketamine treatment; I only mention this as my son suffers from chronic pain and we wanted to avoid any exposure to opioid-based therapies. This changed his life and lowered his pain from 7/8 to a 4 without the need for opioids. His depression disappeared, and his life is so much more pleasurable. I have said on other threads ketamine is not for everyone and only works well for 1/3 of people, but either through a three-monthly infusion or wafers daily you can manage pain, have a drink if you want, and not have the feeling of impairment opioids derivatives give our mind. The medical field has a tendency to forget older treatments (new ones are always better) or not be open to other ideas.

After 30 years of managing pain, I told myself I was willing to explore options to find what worked best for me, including combination treatments. The patches worked very well, but like opioids, watch that after 12 months, your pain begins to increase, and the next thing you know, you are on 30mg patches. You know your body best; a good doctor should respect that. Pain tolerance is a relevant term to an individual, and no one but the individual knows how bad it is and what we can handle before it pushes you too far,


Good for you. Live each day one at a time. They are gifts to you. Do not dwell on the future.


I’m really new at this I can only tell you that I have been on these patches for going on 3 weeks. I put one on and it helped me with detox from the Oxycodone. I was on Oxycodone for about one and a half years. My doctor prescribed an anti depressant along with the patch and so far I’m pain free for the most part. I have felt low energy a little rushing noise in the ears, I also have a little balance issue when I stand up in the morning. My lungs have cleared up compared to what the Oxycodone did to me. I’m very happy so far and I would just suggest if you want to try it get with your Doctor and see what they think.

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You did not mention the name of the anti depressant?


Hi @cincinnati . What dose of patch are you using? In the USA, I think Butrans 20 mcg/hour is the max dose available. So, I'm wondering if you are in another country where 80 mcg/hour and 100 mcg/hour doses are available.

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