Oxaliplatin is no walk in the park, advice for CAPOX regimen?
Just had first infusion today.
Felt fine and now hours later everything hurts ( numbness, tingling, muscle aches, muscle spasms upon sneezing in my jaw, muscle spasms across my eyes/temple upon tear production and of course upon water being just slightly cooler than room temp) how did you guys manage?
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we are only on #3 today, but we've been doing room temperature or better all bevys and food. If he needs gloves to open fridge or pick up items (winter gloves). Extra room heaters and heated blankets. Not much to offer yet but this is how we've been handling so far. Also interested in other suggestions.
Suggest you have the infusion nurse wrap your fingers and toes in ice packs during infusion. This really helps prevent cold sensitivity and peripheral neuropathy