Overactive bladder after TURP: What helps?

Posted by ckostoff @ckostoff, Jul 2, 2023

Had Turp 3. Weeks ago. Dr said have over active bladder. On urogesic Blue and Oxybutynin. Getting little better diring day. My bladder does empty per 2 ultrasounds. I still feel not full emptying. Some pain when I go and little pains by bladder. Heating pad helps but really do not want to coninue getting up every 1 hr to 1.6 hrs
Cut caffeine in half and not drinking alcohol ..afraid too…off pain killers as was on them for 20 years off and on. Was taking as never got good night sleep
Any ideas or suggestions ?
Been holding as long as can during day
Small cancer found gleason 6 stage 1 during surgery.
Would love any ideas. Botox? Been doing NAd IV therapy which is wonderful but pricey.

Have a blessed day

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Prostate Cancer Support Group.

My suggestion: stop "holding as long as you can". Begin bladder training program, urinating by the clock, not by sense of urgency. How to choose the initial interval? Determine how long it is until you get the first sense of urgency, say 45 minutes or whatever. Then go that often, whether you "need to" or not. Add 1-5 minutes a day. Work up to 2.5 hours as your goal.

This will *gradually* train your bladder to accept larger and larger volumes of urine. Also, it will re-teach your bladder who's boss, which you first did when you were potty trained as a kid.

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