Only 53 with severe osteoporosis and about to fearfully take Evenity

Posted by songbird18 @songbird18, Feb 24 11:24am

I am 53 and just got an awful bone density result. (Spine T score 4.1, hip 3.5). The rheumatologist is going to put me on Evenity for a year but I am so afraid after reading about the dangers of heart attack and stroke. The doctor also told me you can’t get any dental work done, but you never know when you are going to have a tooth emergency. I don’t feel I have a choice but to take it because my bones are so bad and my back is in constant pain. I’m wondering if anyone has been using Evenity and how it has affected them. Thank you!

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I had it for one year with no side effects whatsoever.


it's great that so many can try evenity and their insurance authorizes it. For some reason, my insurance company allows Forteo and Tymlos, but not Evenity. Hoping that's just due to the drug's relative newness in the market and they may reconsider in another 1-2 years.


I receive my 10th Evenity injections this week. I haven’t had any side effects other than some fatigue after the first injections.
I was terrified at first, but it’s been uneventful.
As I’ve said on here before, I am now occupied with being terrified of Reclast which I start in May.

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I am so glad that you’ve had no side effects. I, too, am already afraid of the drugs after Evenity and I haven’t even started it yet! I wish we could just do lots of calcium and vitamin d after it and call it a day. Good luck and I hope your next phase goes really well.


it's great that so many can try evenity and their insurance authorizes it. For some reason, my insurance company allows Forteo and Tymlos, but not Evenity. Hoping that's just due to the drug's relative newness in the market and they may reconsider in another 1-2 years.

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Hi katwhisperer,
My insurance is the same, however, they approved the prior authorization for Evenity when my doctor submitted it.


I receive my 10th Evenity injections this week. I haven’t had any side effects other than some fatigue after the first injections.
I was terrified at first, but it’s been uneventful.
As I’ve said on here before, I am now occupied with being terrified of Reclast which I start in May.

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Me too! Evenity has been uneventful after 9 and I’m only 53 as well


I’m 53. Chose evenity for same reasons and have had no side effects. Also had a tooth crown a couple months ago while on evenity and also no issues. Hoping my BMD goes up lots.

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