On choosing a surgeon for pulmonary carcinoid resection…

Posted by C @aclanton, Jun 14 5:42am

For those of you who’ve had a lung carcinoid removed, how did you decide on a particular thoracic surgeon or center? What helped you decide? Thanks!

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I live within reach of Memorial Sloan Kettering so called just to get a 2nd opinion. I was able to get an appointment within five days, and was very very impressed with the surgeon they assigned to me. I had the biopsy done there, and was so impressed that I continued with him for the lobectomy. He also quickly suspected it was a carcinoid tumor, with the possibility of DIPNECH, which was confirmed by the lab postop. I read all kinds of background information on my surgeon before hand, and was very impressed. Go to the place that deals with your type of situation frequently, even if just to get their opinion. Best wishes!


I went to Mayo for a 2nd opinion because the University of Minnesota was trying to remove the tumor via laser but it grew back 9 years later. I was assigned to Dr. Cassivi at Mayo in Rochester. He is amazing and I had 2 lobes of my lung removed July 2023. Recovery was a lot but now I do not notice any less lung function and I feel great knowing the carcinoid tumor is behind me! Good luck to you!

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