Numbness in right foot accompanied by twitching in right hand.

Posted by thumper650nx @thumper650nx, Sep 5, 2022

I am a 66 yr old male. For a few years now, I have experienced, generally for around 60 seconds, once each day, spells where my right foot goes numb (can't move toes or pivot foot at the ankle) accompanied by twitching/spasms in my right hand. At first it was triggered by certain physical movement, now I can get it during any kind of physical activity or even just while I am sitting in a chair. Stressful conversations or situations can also trigger the spells. These brief spells haven't caused me to fall or lose control of any activity. X-rays of the hip and neck haven't revealed any bone spurs or pinched nerves and an EMG didn't reveal anything abnormal. Any ideas? Might taking a once per day vitamin supplement for men over 50 or drinking a sugar free energy drink containing high amounts of B vitamins contribute to this? Have tried abstaining from both of these with no major differences noted. Any ideas?

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Hello @thumper650nx and welcome to Mayo Connect. I know how difficult it is to deal with strange symptoms and to experience falling and not be able to find a cause or a treatment. As you have said that you have had an EMG, I'm assuming that you have seen a neurologist. Is that the case or was the EMG ordered by your PCP? If you have not been seen by a neurologist, it might be a good idea to be referred to one.

If you do not get any relief, please know that it is your right to seek a second opinion. In this case, getting that second opinion from a large research-oriented facility (like a university medical school or a place like Mayo Clinic) might be worthwhile. Medical facilities like these are better equipped to deal with hard-to-diagnose and unusual problems like this. '

Is this a possibility for you?

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