Not sure what to do next

Posted by believe23 @believe23, Mar 4, 2023

Hi, now fused c4/7 over the years, the last being c4/5 in 2020. I was herniated but also suffered from moderate foraminal stenosis and I get horrible chest pain/breathing issues from that. Had left c4/5 foraminotomy for it initially in 2016 and relieved all symptoms except I always knew I would need that chest pain etc worked itself out over 6 weeks after the fusion, but within just a few more months after that, my neck pain was back...just ate advil, iced etc, basically all the same stuff I was doing prior to the fusion ....kept telling myself going to back (convinced it was next level) but never got around, life etc...I even now realized all same muscles etc were involved, but in November 2022 all bad symptoms came imaging says fusion good and waiting for injections, but why did stenosis start "growing" come back so soon after acdf, was it never fully decompressed (bringing up to Dr at injection) I even did a foraminotomy again hoping for relief like in 2016, it has helped a little in the 6 weeks, but deltoids still hurt, chest pressure etc still around...what happens if injections don't work...I know if fused I don't think you get a revision but why did it come back right after acdf. I am praying injections help, but....

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@believe23 Hello Believe23! Welcome to Connect. I am a Mayo spine surgery patient. I had central canal stenosis and an ACDF at C5/C6.

Could you tell me a few more details about your surgical experiences? Does your imaging show that the stenosis came back in the same places where it had been removed with previous surgery? Was that at the nerve roots or in the spinal canal? I'm guessing the foramen (nerve roots) because you said you had a foraminotomy.

What may help with the tightness of the surgical scar tissue that does cause pain is myofascial release therapy.
Here is a discussion about it. I have done this for years myself and it really helps.

Myofascial Release Therapy (MFR) for treating compression and pain:

Have you heard of this therapy before?


@believe23 Hello Believe23! Welcome to Connect. I am a Mayo spine surgery patient. I had central canal stenosis and an ACDF at C5/C6.

Could you tell me a few more details about your surgical experiences? Does your imaging show that the stenosis came back in the same places where it had been removed with previous surgery? Was that at the nerve roots or in the spinal canal? I'm guessing the foramen (nerve roots) because you said you had a foraminotomy.

What may help with the tightness of the surgical scar tissue that does cause pain is myofascial release therapy.
Here is a discussion about it. I have done this for years myself and it really helps.

Myofascial Release Therapy (MFR) for treating compression and pain:

Have you heard of this therapy before?

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Hi Jennifer,

Yes, there it was on imaging, the same moderate foraminal stenosis I had the c4/5 ACDF for to begin with. I didn't think it was supposed to come back. It started maybe 4 months after the 2020 surgery. I just assumed it was another level, but here I am 3 years later with the same issues. I have done more research since then. The posterior foraminotomy helped just a little, but from what I have read, it cannot get to the anterior side, where the uncovertebral hypertophy (bone spurs?) are causing issues. I found that some dr's can perform an anterior foraminotomy to cut back the bone. I have reached out to those dr's. I don't believe it's the scar tissue causing issues. Thank you for responding.


I had a C5-6, C6-7 fusion years ago. After a long recovery I felt pretty good. Then over the course of the next year or two I developed all of the same pain symptoms I had before the surgery. I had MRIs, CT scans, EMG studies and nothing identified a root cause for the recurring pain. Epidural steroid injections provided no relief. Rather than continue to chase some mysterious failed neck surgery syndrome, I finally found relief and a return to normal daily activities after having a cervical spinal cord stimulator implanted. Although my spine ortho tried to discourage me from having the SCS implanted, I went with the recommendation of my PMR doc and a second opinion from a neurologist and never regretted it.

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