Newly diagnosed - neuroendocrine tumor in intestines
on routine ct scan found a small abdominal mass. wasn't clear where it was originating from . went to gyn oncology. finally decided it wasn't gyn. had mri. was scheduled for surgury but surgeon wanted endodrine to clear me first. she did labs, 24 hr urine and pet scan. some labs and first urine got "screwed up by lab. my tumor has gotte.n much ,much larger. it has been a month since this happened. my surgury has been rescheduled twice. i am scared!!!! i feel like by the time i can have surgury they will tell me "it is to late. i had faith in all my drs seen here but now worried i should have gotten 2nd opinions at the start and now it is to late.
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Thank you I love to share , I’m the type of person that looks at the glass half full instead of half empty , meaning I look for the silver lining in every situation . I know it’s not easy , but it’s a must otherwise your go down a rabbit hole of despair, I limited the amount of negative T.V and watch comedy shows and hgtv and cooking show anything you enjoy don’t stop doing it , be grateful for each day your alive to be with the ones you love , I’m big on creating find memories with my family and friends , because one thing this condition has shown me is life is short and you don’t have time to waste..
I so appreciate you sharing your good news, @char1962! It's just great when a treatment works.
I agree that this journey often feels like a roller coaster ride. As we all have different coping mechanisms, can you share how you deal with the anxiety that accompanies this process?
Thanks everyone , May God continue to bless us and keep us all during our health challenges which can be a roller coaster , hang in there everyone don’t give up 🙏🏽
I’m so happy to announce I had a good report on yesterday, November 7 my cat scan show no growths from the tumors on my liver and ovaries so the sandostatin shots are working , I cried with tears of joy the anticipation was a roller coaster of emotions but I kept the faith , my faith in God is what keeps me grounded, I thank God for this support group it’s been so helpful to me during this health journey in my life 💕
Thanks for the update on your surgery date, @wagneriandreamer. I know that a positive attitude will help you! Keep it up and check in and let me know how you are doing.
I look forward to hearing from you again!
it's scheduled for the 15th of this month. i will definetly update you. How's that for being positive??? several weeks ago i didn't think it would make it through surgery. i'm really trying to stay positive.
I look forward to hearing from you after your surgery. At this time, is there a scheduled date for your surgery?
laparotomy...the tumor is very large. also it's going to be a joint surgery , the gyn surgeon is taking out a polyp as well as ovaries /uterus. guess i won't be having any more kids. (just kidding, i'm 71) Will probably be in hospital 5-7 days.
I appreciate your update, @wagneriandreamer. It sounds as if things are moving right along with the pre-surgery matters.
You must feel more confident upon meeting with the surgeon. Did your surgeon mention what type of surgery you will be having or the length of your hospitalization after surgery?
I feel much better after talking to the surgeon again. My 24 HR urine results are in but the endocrinologist hasn't called yet. Most of the results were within range but the meta -nephrine was low as well as the epinephrin. according to the surgeons notes from my visit she will be starting me on some kind of blockers before the surgery . hopefully all the pre open stuff is taken care of now and I can concentrate on trying to have a positive attitude.