Newly diagnosed - neuroendocrine tumor in intestines
on routine ct scan found a small abdominal mass. wasn't clear where it was originating from . went to gyn oncology. finally decided it wasn't gyn. had mri. was scheduled for surgury but surgeon wanted endodrine to clear me first. she did labs, 24 hr urine and pet scan. some labs and first urine got "screwed up by lab. my tumor has gotte.n much ,much larger. it has been a month since this happened. my surgury has been rescheduled twice. i am scared!!!! i feel like by the time i can have surgury they will tell me "it is to late. i had faith in all my drs seen here but now worried i should have gotten 2nd opinions at the start and now it is to late.
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuroendocrine Tumors (NETs) Support Group.
You need to understand NET cancer , it regularly stays in the body and needs minitoring for years to for spread. Yes surgery can be curative but as a sufferer it regularly spreads
Had your first primary tumor that was removed already spread ? I’m trying to understand if they found the NET IN 2011 and removed it how in 2022 the tumor spread ? Was this a new tumor found ?
How big and what grade was your initial tumor in 2011? Had it spread at that time?
I understand you have had neuroendocrine tumors for many years. Were you receiving any treatment prior to Feb 2023 when you started octreotide shots?
I was recently diagnosed with metastatic liver neuroendocrine tumors, well differentiated, grade 2 KI-67 6-8%. I am looking at starting octreotide shots are to watch and wait. Thanks for sharing.
Not scheduled yet, I’m waiting to hear back on the appointment. So many possible side effects.
I hope that the Octreotide injections are helpful to you in managing the carcinoid symptoms as well as reducing the tumors.
When will you be having your first injection?
Get to a university hospital/teaching hospital. Nets are very slow growing. I have had mine for almost 20 years. They are rare hence the recommendation to a university hospital.
Just off a virtual call with the doctors. They are putting me on a regimen of monthly Octreotide injections to shrink the tumors and reduce the carcinoid symptoms.
Thank you Ladies I am really sorry about the other tumor, It is very weird with the Net that is why my doctor has a Cat scan done to make sure it hasn't spread.Does anyone else take Biologics I could not help but take my cosentyx this morning my arthritis not doing good.I dont even know if that is what caused it.My thoughts and prayers that we all get through this
Hello @peggymariejackson,
I appreciate your response. It is confusing to try and figure out the reasons for NETs, isn't it? You mentioned that you have had diarrhea and flushing. These can be symptoms of carcinoid syndrome and there are monthly injections to help with those symptoms if carcinoid syndrome is the culprit.
Have you mentioned these symptoms to your U of M oncologist?