New pain 3 months after total hip

Posted by pkb0268 @pkb0268, 4 days ago

I am 12 weeks post hip replacement and had no pain. Came up the basement stairs a week ago and force myself to use the leg that had the surgery. Had pain after that ia not getting better--Taking 10 days to see dr.
Had a massage thinking it would help--no pain is worse. I am worried that the hardware separated but both of these seem rather innocuous. I had avascular necrosis with a collapsed femoral head before so post-op was pretty well pain free. Now the pain is mid-thigh and at the bottom of the buttock--sharp on external rotation.
Has anybody had this occur?

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@pkb0268 Well, that's discouraging to have new pain. I can terll you from experience that if the joint dislocates, the pain is terrible - you would have gone to the ER right away. But with the necrosis, it is possible that something happened within the femur, so it is a great idea to see the surgeon.

Has the pain improved at all since last week? Are you able to bear weight and walk even if it hurts? If the answer to both of these is "No", might I suggest calling to get on the surgeon's wait list or cancellation list, or going to an urgent care or ER for an x-ray to see if there is a fracture.

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