What helps manage Neuropathy with Folfirinox?
I just finished my 4th session of Folfironox. I use cold therapy on my hands and feet and chew on ice while the Oxcaliplatin is being administered. My feet do not have any signs of neuropathy. However, my shins feel like pins and needles for 4-5 days after treatment. I am curious if anyone else is experiencing this and whether you have found a solution.
My hands are good and I haven't had any issues other than cold sensitivity for a few days. My mouth is another weird one though. I get sensitivity to cold fluids and have issues with my jaw when I chew. I just have to work through the pain with the jaw and it goes away after a minute or so. I am hoping this doesn't get worse or stay longer than the 3-5 days that I have had with previous sessions.
Any suggestions and ideas are welcome and appreciated.
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My husband's started in his toes and finger tips. Has gradually worked up towards his knees and is now severe. We did not know about the cold therapy when he was on folfirinox, but have used it since switching to abrax/gen ... Unknown if it would have been even worse without cold therapy, but it definitely has gotten worse.
I had 12 cycles of Folfirinox. After about the 5th cycle, I started getting neuropathy in the soles of my feet. If you can get some of the cold therapy mittens and booties (or whatever they're called) I would advise doing so. The neuropathy in my feet has become bad now and makes my walking unsteady. It's a real aggravation and as far as I know, there is no way to reverse the condition.
I am sorry to hear your neuropathy has made you unsteady while walking. I started with cold therapy right away on my first chemo session and have been doing it for all since then. The issue I am having is not in my feet but in my shins. I think the drug pools there instead of going down to my feet. Do you take anything like gabapentin to help with the neuropathy? I have seen others talk about using gabapentin. Sending you prayers for healing and stability.
No, I haven't tried gabapentin but will ask my oncologist about it next Tues. Thanks for the advice. Neither of the chemo infusion centers I've gone to ever mentioned the cold therapy. I found out about it on this forum.
My husband was taking gabapentin, but did not seem to be helping. Dr now has him on duloxitine... but same thing, unknown if it is helping. His neuropathy has gotten severe so walking is difficult. I've got a walker for him... so far he thinks he is ok with a hiking pole. But there are times that I wish he was using the walker as he is very unsteady. He's afraid a wheel chair is in his future.