Neuroendocrine Tumors (NETs) Q&A with a NETs Expert
Just watched an hour long Q&A session on NETs with Dr. Eric Liu who is dedicated to NETs at his clinic in Denver. The questions covered lots of topics and are likely to touch on some questions any NETs patients may have. Worth a listen. I always find Dr. Liu's directness refreshing. No sugarcoating from him.
Hosted by the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation. Some of the viewer questions touched on Histotripsy, Signatera, Lanreotide/Octreotide, DIPNECH, carcinoid heart disease, NET test, Ki-67, PRRT, DOTATATE scans, Whipple procedure, and more.
He emphasized the value of seeing a NETs team ASAP vs. a team that deals with non-NETs cancers because the treatments are completely different and NETs experience matters. He also stated a doctor's ego should not get in the way of a patient's well being so if your doctor is offended by questions, get a new one.
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuroendocrine Tumors (NETs) Support Group.
Hello @californiazebra and thank you for posting this video with Dr. Liu.