Diagnosed with colon cancer: Nervous..Help!

Posted by bravesfan @bravesfan, Jun 6, 2023

Hello everyone I was diagnosed 6 days ago with colon cancer . I am early 50s. now I am waiting for my next steps. Friday i have 2. Scans scheduled. I see a cancer doctor next Wednesday and then the doctor that did my colonoscopy on Thursday. I don't really know what's going to happen. I know after the colonoscopy He said he tattooed a 5 to 6 inch area and i might be needing surgery. i don't know what to expect. I also just lost my husband of thirty five years to covid a year ago so i'm going through this by myself. If I have the surgery am I going to need help at home question? how long will I have to be out of work ? They know nothing.. I'm not sure what to tell my job yet..I just have so many questions.. i'm sorry any help would be great.
I do believe my Lord has me but I also worry because I do have 2 sons 22 and 33 and 3 grand babies who just lost their papa. I'm not ready to leave them yet.
Does any of this make sense to you?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Colorectal Cancer Support Group.

What you say makes complete sense!!!!! I have had MANY colon surgeries at Mayo in Rochester. I met the Doc on a Thurs. had an exam and tests. Friday we received test results. Monday I was in surgery. I COMPLETELY trusted the Doctors and staff at Mayo. I was scared but put trust in G-D and my surgeon. I carried my rosary beads with me in a plastic bag. _lease know that you haver a lot of people praying for you!!!!!

I am always available for "talks" when you feel like writing.



I hope all goes well. I'll be sending great energy your way.

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thank you!


There has been no mention of a followup PET. My GI Dr. said cancer is "biopsy proven" and I absolutely have to go forward with surgery Feb 19.

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I hope all goes well. I'll be sending great energy your way.


Hi @christinajsmith60, do you know what stage your cancer is? What treatment(s) will you be having?

@lindadob, thinking of you and hoping you are doing well recovering from surgery.

@mimisayhi, when will you have your followup PET scan?

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I have a wonderful update. My husband had his surgery January 30th. Last night we received the call from the doctor saying everything was non cancerous. His 5cm mass was a tubulovillous adenoma. Though precancerous in nature all lymph nodes, margins amd mass were non-malignant. His follow up colonoscopy is one year from date of surgery. To say he is a miracle is an understatement. Although we are blessed with the results the path I walked down with my husband has changed our lives.


Hi @christinajsmith60, do you know what stage your cancer is? What treatment(s) will you be having?

@lindadob, thinking of you and hoping you are doing well recovering from surgery.

@mimisayhi, when will you have your followup PET scan?

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There has been no mention of a followup PET. My GI Dr. said cancer is "biopsy proven" and I absolutely have to go forward with surgery Feb 19.


Curious if you are still doing well? Was just diagnosed and tracking others’ cure rates. Thank you

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Hi @christinajsmith60, do you know what stage your cancer is? What treatment(s) will you be having?

@lindadob, thinking of you and hoping you are doing well recovering from surgery.

@mimisayhi, when will you have your followup PET scan?


do you know exactly where the tumor is located? After my colonoscopy I got a call from the Dr that ordered it with the results. He referred me to a GI surgeon and oncologist. What has your Dr told you? Its my experience you have to stay on these Drs to ask .. have you had a PET scan? The area I will have surgery feb 19 is also 6" - removing the tumor, surrounding tissues and lymph nodes. It will be laparoscopic so recovery should be easier than an open surgery.

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and my prognosis SO FAR (if the PET scan doesnt show spread ) is very good.


do you know exactly where the tumor is located? After my colonoscopy I got a call from the Dr that ordered it with the results. He referred me to a GI surgeon and oncologist. What has your Dr told you? Its my experience you have to stay on these Drs to ask .. have you had a PET scan? The area I will have surgery feb 19 is also 6" - removing the tumor, surrounding tissues and lymph nodes. It will be laparoscopic so recovery should be easier than an open surgery.


Curious if you are still doing well? Was just diagnosed and tracking others’ cure rates. Thank you

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Thank you for all the advice. It’s unbelievable how everyone comes together to support all of us. Thank you for all the information. Surgery is this Tuesday jan 30.


Hello. I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis and the worries you are experiencing. Many of us have been through this and have come out the other end smiling. It sounds like you're in very good hands and that you will soon hear what treatment is in store. If surgery is planned you will certainly need a bit of help for a few days when you get home. In my case I was diagnosed last October, had an operation in November and was discharged from hospital after 4 days and cared for by my wife, who deserves a medal. After a few days I was able to generally look after myself and prepare meals etc. and get exercise. Then followed 3 months of chemo which was a bit tough at times but didn't stop me getting around and doing near-normal activities.
Best of luck - I'm sure you'll get through it.

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Curious if you are still doing well? Was just diagnosed and tracking others’ cure rates. Thank you

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