Diagnosed with colon cancer: Nervous..Help!

Posted by bravesfan @bravesfan, Jun 6, 2023

Hello everyone I was diagnosed 6 days ago with colon cancer . I am early 50s. now I am waiting for my next steps. Friday i have 2. Scans scheduled. I see a cancer doctor next Wednesday and then the doctor that did my colonoscopy on Thursday. I don't really know what's going to happen. I know after the colonoscopy He said he tattooed a 5 to 6 inch area and i might be needing surgery. i don't know what to expect. I also just lost my husband of thirty five years to covid a year ago so i'm going through this by myself. If I have the surgery am I going to need help at home question? how long will I have to be out of work ? They know nothing.. I'm not sure what to tell my job yet..I just have so many questions.. i'm sorry any help would be great.
I do believe my Lord has me but I also worry because I do have 2 sons 22 and 33 and 3 grand babies who just lost their papa. I'm not ready to leave them yet.
Does any of this make sense to you?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Colorectal Cancer Support Group.


I imagine that being organic makes all things better ? .....
Egg yolks are high in cholesterol and a source of saturated fatty acids and as such are not heart healthy.
Cardiologists have written about egg yolks as being a heart disease risk.
My latest research is the health dangers of artificial sweeteners.
Sucralose and Aspertame are best avoided. Stevia or stevia leaf by Truvia seems to be the only natural sweetener not related to bad things.
I have eliminated a hundred things from my grocery cart.
Cancer patients and especially those of us with bowel cancers, need to be reading the nutrition labels on everything we buy and know the meaning of it all.

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hola soy Daniela , con cancer colorectal, hace 1 mes, ya me operaron y estoy aprendiendo como alimentarme, sería de mucha utilidad , si compartes por favor que alimentos son los saludables para nosotros. muchisimas gracias


I think you need to go to a cancer specialist and get a second opinion. I had stage 3 colon cancer nearly 3 years ago and my sigmoid colon was removed. I’ve since used two hospitals one was useless one was excellent. I too wear a bag but you do get used to it. It is saving your life. In my experience it is all down to the hospital and the staff. Best of luck and may you find the help you deserve.

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Am going to Mayo clinic top of the medical chain. But like the 2 other hospitals am being kept in the dark cannot get any information about general steps. I call it the Mushroom syndrome Was told Just plan for 5 to 7 days. Did find all out all they do the 1st days is ask 10 zillion more stupid questions and a blood test really that's all we can do in a day. I am not driving 6 hours to sit around and have 1 dinky test done a day. My feeling why can we not do as many as possible in a day. Hotels are not cheap
As far as a bag my work, riding horses, my question is how can I do this with a 5 pound bag of %^&* hanging on my waist. And I feel you have become he schounge of the earth people are not kind and avoid you like you have the plage. And then there is finding clothes Another road block Think it is just best to crawl in a hole & die. as the suggestion of hospital surgeon #2


Any suggestions July had a positive colon guard test strike 1 Had colonscopy with questionable polyps strike 2 saw a GI person terrible doc took 2 samples of ? poly cancer contained but network system dragged it out with ever possible tests & repeat same tests just looking to make a buck strike 3 Went to medical center had polp removed it went from a postage stamp size to ping pong size in 3 months Margins not clear. Oncologists & radiologist said surgery will fix this Tumor is on the sphincter muscle Saw surgeon options surgeon suggested removal of cancer & muscles but then have to live with a bag strike 4 do nothing or radio & chemo Husband is living in the world that everything will be sunshins & roses wrong Primary hands out pats on the head & does nothing Insurance company is not cooperating on paying Have another MRI 8 weeks after poly surgery & then have to wait 2 more weeks for results & suggestions Which will be the answer of sorry go crawl in a hole & died. Difficult to find clothes that fit with out a 5 gallon bag hanging on my waist Have expressed how can I keep showing horse with a 5 gallon bag on my waist No answer Sorry this is long but am trying to find some help This has been going on for 8 months with tests no help Suggestions please

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I think you need to go to a cancer specialist and get a second opinion. I had stage 3 colon cancer nearly 3 years ago and my sigmoid colon was removed. I’ve since used two hospitals one was useless one was excellent. I too wear a bag but you do get used to it. It is saving your life. In my experience it is all down to the hospital and the staff. Best of luck and may you find the help you deserve.


thanks but I am not a hugger was never allowed nor was crying if you did you just got beat more What I need is a medical facility that will fix this issue & not drag it out & not keep me in the dark. Issue has been going on since July. Last hospital told me to just go away & die How nice


Any suggestions July had a positive colon guard test strike 1 Had colonscopy with questionable polyps strike 2 saw a GI person terrible doc took 2 samples of ? poly cancer contained but network system dragged it out with ever possible tests & repeat same tests just looking to make a buck strike 3 Went to medical center had polp removed it went from a postage stamp size to ping pong size in 3 months Margins not clear. Oncologists & radiologist said surgery will fix this Tumor is on the sphincter muscle Saw surgeon options surgeon suggested removal of cancer & muscles but then have to live with a bag strike 4 do nothing or radio & chemo Husband is living in the world that everything will be sunshins & roses wrong Primary hands out pats on the head & does nothing Insurance company is not cooperating on paying Have another MRI 8 weeks after poly surgery & then have to wait 2 more weeks for results & suggestions Which will be the answer of sorry go crawl in a hole & died. Difficult to find clothes that fit with out a 5 gallon bag hanging on my waist Have expressed how can I keep showing horse with a 5 gallon bag on my waist No answer Sorry this is long but am trying to find some help This has been going on for 8 months with tests no help Suggestions please


I work out and walk ...hike... hoping for a quick recovery!


I have one more question how long of a recovery you think it would be for I can to swim, bike and run? Like I said, I’m a very active person I do Triathlon I’ve done 10 Ironmans.

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wow good for you! I was told 4 days in hospital and 2 weeks of recovery. My surgery is robotic/laporascopic,, is yours? Yours may be more extensive than mine, but ask your dr.


Most people who have this surgery recover fully. They are able to do most of the activities they were doing before their surgery. Sending prayers for a complete recovery!

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I have one more question how long of a recovery you think it would be for I can to swim, bike and run? Like I said, I’m a very active person I do Triathlon I’ve done 10 Ironmans.


Hi I have been diagnosed with colon cancer and having surgery on February 13 th, I’m having a right hemicolectomy. I’m know how you feel! I’m very nervous and scared more of the results after the surgery and if I will need radiation.
I’m 62 yrs very active and have two daughters and three grandsons.

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Most people who have this surgery recover fully. They are able to do most of the activities they were doing before their surgery. Sending prayers for a complete recovery!


There has been no mention of a followup PET. My GI Dr. said cancer is "biopsy proven" and I absolutely have to go forward with surgery Feb 19.

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Hi I have been diagnosed with colon cancer and having surgery on February 13 th, I’m having a right hemicolectomy. I’m know how you feel! I’m very nervous and scared more of the results after the surgery and if I will need radiation.
I’m 62 yrs very active and have two daughters and three grandsons.

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