Diagnosed with colon cancer: Nervous..Help!
Hello everyone I was diagnosed 6 days ago with colon cancer . I am early 50s. now I am waiting for my next steps. Friday i have 2. Scans scheduled. I see a cancer doctor next Wednesday and then the doctor that did my colonoscopy on Thursday. I don't really know what's going to happen. I know after the colonoscopy He said he tattooed a 5 to 6 inch area and i might be needing surgery. i don't know what to expect. I also just lost my husband of thirty five years to covid a year ago so i'm going through this by myself. If I have the surgery am I going to need help at home question? how long will I have to be out of work ? They know nothing.. I'm not sure what to tell my job yet..I just have so many questions.. i'm sorry any help would be great.
I do believe my Lord has me but I also worry because I do have 2 sons 22 and 33 and 3 grand babies who just lost their papa. I'm not ready to leave them yet.
Does any of this make sense to you?
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Colorectal Cancer Support Group.
Hola, Daniela!
Qué cirugía tuviste? Tienes una colostomía?
@upsidedowninsideout, I love your username. Do you also have experience with colorectal cancer?
Hi @lindab45, you mention that you've had several colon surgeries. Was this related to colon cancer? How are you doing now?
My surgical experience was similar to Roy's except I had the whole colon removed with 108 lymph nodes. I was blowing snow at our rural Minnesota home a day after getting released.
You'll do just fine! The day of my surgery at Mayo they were performing 91 other surgeries. Just be sure to ask all the questions you want! Try to eat as soon as you can as the first bowel movement in the hospital is an important milestone! Good luck and prayers!
@mimisayhi, I'll be thinking of you next week. Do you have any questions for the group about your upcoming surgery?
😊 Thank you!
I’m very nervous my surgery is tomorrow they are removing the right side of my colon detaching it from the small intestine, and then reattaching attaching plus removing some lymph nose around it.
After removal of 25% of my large intestine via laparoscopic surgery I was walking in 6 hr, spent three days in hospital, was able to go hunting with my dogs in 6 weeks, very few side effects. Just be sure to manage your pain during the first six weeks, take max doses of Tylenol and ibuprofen staggered. Have faith! Was splitting wood yesterday and I'm 70!
soy Daniela , con cancer de colon hace un mes , tu informacion es de mucha utilidad , muchas gracias- me alientas a seguir!!!
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hola , tambien tengo cancer hace un mes, lamento mucho tu diagnostico , pero creo que deberias enfocarte en soluciones y creer. Hay un documental "heal" quizás te ayude. dicen que toda sanacion comienza en nuestra mente. cuando no hay nada que perder , que perdemos con intentar creer en terapias alternativas?
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