Need hope: Neuropathy from chemo

Posted by needshope78 @needshope78, Apr 24, 2020

Is there anyone going through neuropathy from chemo. If so how long until my mother will be able to walk again afterwards. It’s been 8 weeks every week gets worse

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Hi raebaby..I have slight neuropathy in my left foot. I tried some asperbream with lidocaine and it helps. Haven't done icing but also read some have luck with capsaicin cream or patches. Have not tried that yet. Good luck and keep. Us posted.

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I had an appointment with my oncologist today. My only problem now is the neuropathy in my feet from the chemo. I told him about how the Voxxlife Patches were helping me. He had actually heard of them and believed they work.


My Dr diagnosed me with neuropathy in 2015, I was told to stay off my feet when it was bad. I had never heard of it and did not know how to pronounce it. I had the dropsies from the early chemo in 2003, but it was not addressed by the doctor team. I was careful with glass! My palsy was so bad the only work I could do was commercial cleaning. Even with cancer I had to work in order to get by, disability insurance helped but I couldn't get housing even though I was terminally ill. Another thing I noticed is I had to go to a psychologist for my medicine and we not once talked about the fact that I had 30 days to live. Or the fact that my friends were not handling the diagnosis well, or anything else about the fact that I could have dropped dead at any moment. I couldn't have life or burial insurance if I had state aid. I believe a few things should change. And when I was told that the regime was not working on my cancer and to put my affairs in order the psychologist was no longer available to help sort out my feelings. I was still alive in 2007 when Mayo was testing a new series of chemo, and the correct combo was found in 2018. I have overcome the dropsies and only experience the "bamboo spikes in fingertips " now, which sucking on the fingertips helps. So if you ever run into me and I am sucking on my fingertips like a deranged person, just smile. It works and doesn't take long. My feet are still swelling on the bottom and hard to walk on, Very Sturdy shoes help for that. It is the foot support of the shoe. So, it does get better.


I got neoropathy in my feet from Taxol during my chemo. I can't drive. I take a lot of supplements and gabapentin. The Gabapentin helps me a lot, but what I've found really useful is a patch by VoxxLife. It sounds like a marketing
ploy, but it isn't. I use the Liberty patch that helps with the stinging and my balance. I'm 81 years old.

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Hi raebaby..I have slight neuropathy in my left foot. I tried some asperbream with lidocaine and it helps. Haven't done icing but also read some have luck with capsaicin cream or patches. Have not tried that yet. Good luck and keep. Us posted.


I got neoropathy in my feet from Taxol during my chemo. I can't drive. I take a lot of supplements and gabapentin. The Gabapentin helps me a lot, but what I've found really useful is a patch by VoxxLife. It sounds like a marketing
ploy, but it isn't. I use the Liberty patch that helps with the stinging and my balance. I'm 81 years old.


I ended chemo in February and the neuropathy got worse in my hands, fingers, legs and feet. Still is a problem in fingers and feet. No pain but no feeling. Similar to what you feel if they were asleep, pins and needles.
A nurse suggested that I try acupuncture, so what the heck, I might as well try it at this point if someone told me to cure it I had to cut off a chickens head and wave it over my head I’d try it.
Not taking it lightly it is tough to live with. I drop things all the time and am unsteady on my feet because I can’t feel them so I walk carefully.
Doctors have no answers that I’ve talked to, time will tell, is all I get.
Good luck.
I’ll let you know if the acupuncture works. If not, where can i buy a chicken?


Have you seen this?

FPN Webinar: Chemo-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy

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No I haven’t thanks for posting it


I have neuropathy from chemo that I had three years ago. My feet were badly damaged from this and along with the neuropathy and dropped feet I will never walk without a walker. Your mother probably just has the neuropathy so it depends on how long it takes the nerves to heal. Some have better success than others so learning to adapt to a walker is the best plan.I know it took me a while to realize I will always need it. So now, it is apart of me and who I am.
It can be a very debilitating illness so one needs to find the things that bring you joy in life. My daughter is my biggest supporter and she always has a good outlook on life which reflects on me. So just being there for your mom and loving her will help her a lot. Wishing you all the best. Hugs


I also had to take Capecitabine. I had terrible hand and foot syndrome. Ask your doc first, but mine recommended soaking in epsom salts and urea cream. Gabapentin did help but I didn’t want the drowsy side effect. My Mayo doc was very responsive to my hand and foot pain, and prescribed Lyrica instead. That helped a lot. I started it one year ago and used it for 4 six-week cycles. My feet are all better, but my palms still get very hot.
To anyone who feels your doc is not responsive, keep asking your questions until you get an answer. Email them with questions you think of after. Go to your primary care doctor for help, too. As my sister, a nurse of 31 years says, “They work for you.” I am always persistent. I have a wonderful relationship with all the Mayo staff whom I see regularly. I feel very well-cared for at Mayo.


I know when I go to my oncologist I tell them my pain level is 8 or more it really doesn’t get addressed. I was prescribed gabapentin but i am not using it. I did try it a couple of times but I am so drowsy dopey in the morning I don’t feel like I can drive it lasts about half the days. Nothing else has been discussed except I told him I take ibuprofen ☹️

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Have you seen this?

FPN Webinar: Chemo-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy


I don’t know where you live? However, I know there are clinics in the Metro (MN) who specialize in neuropathy. I would consult those. Mayo was never helpful with neuropathy in my experience-.

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I know when I go to my oncologist I tell them my pain level is 8 or more it really doesn’t get addressed. I was prescribed gabapentin but i am not using it. I did try it a couple of times but I am so drowsy dopey in the morning I don’t feel like I can drive it lasts about half the days. Nothing else has been discussed except I told him I take ibuprofen ☹️

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