Multiple BMs every day

Posted by 44annie @44annie, Apr 28, 2024

A year ago I had a sigmoid colonectomy. Within weeks I was having 15 BMs/day. I’ve been to 4 GI docs, had a colonoscopy, enteroscopy, camera endoscopy, 2 MRIs, and a host of meds from Imodium (>impacted fecal matter), Linzesse, to Steroids; the latter two resulted in diarrhea. The only med that helps is Mesalamine, an anti-inflammatory, down to 8-10 BMs/day.
They are fully formed, often clustered, often 3:30am, 3:45, 4…
My PCP/GI has ruled out ischemic bowel disease and IBS.
I haven’t read about anyone else having so many. The only test left is a small bowel balloon endoscopy but it is risky at my age (80) and because I have many adhesions on my intestines.
I’d appreciate any help.

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I am so sorry for your pain. We should not need to seek out multiple doctors for answers. I am 65, I have finally realized that I was required to have more continuing education as an Enrolled Agent to prepare taxes, than drs my opinion is most drs don't care enough about us to know what is the most effective, beneficial and up to date treatments.
You are saying you have snake formed poop 15x day? How long is each snake? Do they desinegrate when you flush? I have not had a formed snake in 10+ years.
Has anyone thoroughly investigated your adhesions? I have read that adhesions, from any core surgeries, probably are factors in fecal impactions-full blockages.


Hi 44annie
I just have several loose but not liquid BM's per day. I am now scheduled to have a test called Anorectal Manometry next month which consists of using fleet emema followed by inserting baloon and measuring strength of muscles that control BM's. I'm anxious to hear the results and recommendations are. Is this the same thing you decided to skip? I'm 79.


I am so sorry for your pain. We should not need to seek out multiple doctors for answers. I am 65, I have finally realized that I was required to have more continuing education as an Enrolled Agent to prepare taxes, than drs my opinion is most drs don't care enough about us to know what is the most effective, beneficial and up to date treatments.
You are saying you have snake formed poop 15x day? How long is each snake? Do they desinegrate when you flush? I have not had a formed snake in 10+ years.
Has anyone thoroughly investigated your adhesions? I have read that adhesions, from any core surgeries, probably are factors in fecal impactions-full blockages.

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Poops vary from huge to pellets. No one has investigated the adhesions further; I’ve had almost every test.


Hi 44annie
I just have several loose but not liquid BM's per day. I am now scheduled to have a test called Anorectal Manometry next month which consists of using fleet emema followed by inserting baloon and measuring strength of muscles that control BM's. I'm anxious to hear the results and recommendations are. Is this the same thing you decided to skip? I'm 79.

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No Don, it’s not the same. Mine would go down the throat to the intestines.


Wow, I don't know how that works. Do you know the name of the procedure?


Small bowel endoscopy/balloon endoscopy

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