Do people with an ileostomy metabolize medication differently?

Posted by g13 @g13, Jan 20, 2022

If we metabolize foods differently, don't we metabolize
medicines differently? I know that what I eat, passes through
my body within a few hours, I've been told that I should not be prescribed a slow-release medicine because of the speed of it passing through the body. So my question is, shouldn't the mg of the medicine be adjusted up to compensate for the speed of the foods and meds passing so quickly?

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IM works best if you are trained to give injections, this way the medication does not go through the intestines. If you have Crohn's with an ileostomy, the large intestine absorbs anything ingested. This is why medication dosages may change depending on if the disease is active or in remission. I have taken pills for Crohn's and they were not absorbed. I could tell this as I saw the whole medication in my ileostomy output. Everyone is different. I have lived with Crohn's for 50 years.

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My hole large intestine was removed. Meds don't seem to work.


I'm new here and hope I can help. I have illiostomy for 20 years now and my doctor and nurse who did my surgery told me I'm unable to take time or delayed released pills and can't take enteric coated pills as they don't absorb and pass through my pouch as a whole pill and its true as i experience this. Id ask a doctor or surgeon about this. Liquid and regular pills work for me and get absorbed by the small bowel. I dont have my large intestines, so im told the small bowel and the illieum? performs the needed absorption of nutrients from food and meds. Please contact surgeon and doctor etc. This is what my surgeon told me 20 years ago, and it's been true for me and helped. I hope you get the help you need and feel better. Pamela

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Did you have colon removed due to IBD? I have UC and hinging on thier recommendation to have colon removed but hesitate die to my highly demographic skin. I can’t tolerate any adhesives without severe inflammation reaction. If left on skin breaks down and bleeds, discovered in previous surgery.


Probably you will have to change Dr's.

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Good info-Keep us posted on updates


Perhaps find another doc. See if your ostomy doctor or nurse can provide you with a recommendation for a doctor that understands your medical condition.

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Probably you will have to change Dr's.


Perhaps find another doc. See if your ostomy doctor or nurse can provide you with a recommendation for a doctor that understands your medical condition.


I know I do, especially the coated medication. I try to obtain prescription for uncoated or liquid medications.

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I've told doctors of illiostomy and medications and ask for liquid, non time release etc. But they don't take seriously and put me on the time release etc. Medications. I give them the website but they won't look into it. Would you have any suggestions? I gave one doctor a print out on this to read and he did nothing. Thank you Pam


I’m facing same procedure and wonder if you have osteoporosis as a result of Vitamin D malabsorption? ( thought fat soluble vitamins absorbed only by large intestine)

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I had low levels of vitamin d most my life and lack of estrogen and a
hysterectomy in my late 30s so all this effected my bones and I read small
boned women can get osteoporosis but not sure if that's true. I don't know
about vitamin D absorption. My surgeons nurse told me about medications. I
think it depends on type of surgery. I wish I could be of more help. The
website helps alot. Did you post message so you can get more feedback?
There's alot of helpful caring and informative people on site. Are you
having surgery for illiostomy or colectomy? I had prayers from my church
and this helped me alot. Please stay in touch. I've never spoken to anyone
about my ostomy except on this site or at doctors. Don't give up and i hope
you will feel better soon after procedure. My life was a nightmare before I
got my ostomy. I was able to go back to college and do life again. I hope
to hear from you again. Pamela


I'm new here and hope I can help. I have illiostomy for 20 years now and my doctor and nurse who did my surgery told me I'm unable to take time or delayed released pills and can't take enteric coated pills as they don't absorb and pass through my pouch as a whole pill and its true as i experience this. Id ask a doctor or surgeon about this. Liquid and regular pills work for me and get absorbed by the small bowel. I dont have my large intestines, so im told the small bowel and the illieum? performs the needed absorption of nutrients from food and meds. Please contact surgeon and doctor etc. This is what my surgeon told me 20 years ago, and it's been true for me and helped. I hope you get the help you need and feel better. Pamela

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I’m facing same procedure and wonder if you have osteoporosis as a result of Vitamin D malabsorption? ( thought fat soluble vitamins absorbed only by large intestine)


Has anyone been required to participate in pelvic floor exercises after receiving colorectal surgery?


I know I do, especially the coated medication. I try to obtain prescription for uncoated or liquid medications.

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