Mass found Suspected Stage 4 Esophageal Cancer squamous cell

Posted by tbkomparda @tbkomparda, Jan 17 5:21pm

My Husband had a colonoscopy/endoscopy yesterday a mass the suspects esophageal cancer while we await biopsy results we have been referred to a medical oncologist who specializes in this type tomorrow his symptoms over the last 5 months have been anemia, weight loss and most recently a lot of belching he can swallow fine our hospital is NW Chicago who has a proton center as an Ovarian Cancer Survivor myself I a bit familiar with chemo but not with this type as I’m very scared would appreciate any info on treatment protocol and survivor stories thank you!

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I had an upper GI scope last Thursday. The general surgeon came in told me that I had a malignancy in my esophagus. He then took a biopsy and told me he would get the results the next week (this week), but didn't schedule an appointment with him until January 30th. In many of the posts I've seen, the patient was immediately referred to an oncologist. I have not yet. Should I take the initiative and contact someone to get into an oncologist? I'm a little freaked out and it was a tough weekend and I feel like I should do something.


Personally being a Stage 4 Throat Cancer Survivor. I woukd take him to A Caancer Treatment Center of America. Vanderbilt is 1 in Nashville Tn. They are great .


Thank you so much for all the information it's been a whirlwind after seeing the Oncologist we now have a CT scan, Pet Scan, and endoscopic ultrasound all scheduled in the next week the tumor is in the lower third of the esophagus and measures around 4mm they don't know at this point what stage and grade talked about chemo, radiation and surgery but will not know much more until all tests are completed.


Hi Don,
Greatly appreciate your response Moffitt is supposed to be an excellent cancer center I would say my Husband has lost a good 20 lbs and like yourself very fatigued I am so happy to hear your doing well but thru a lot but no cancer journey is a walk in the park. I do have some questions thank you for offering. What chemo regime were you on? Were there different options? How often did you have the infusions? Did you start radiation after chemo was done? Do you know what stage/type/grade. Your story gives us hope

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Hi @tbkomparda
I'm happy to answer questions as best as I can.

What chemo regime were you on?
I had 6 weeks of induction chemo fluorouracil via pump.
And I also had oxaliplatin every 2 weeks at same time.
Later I had 6 weeks of radiation 5 times a week
concurrently with chemo 5 days a week via pump.
Were there different options?
No I just went with their recommendations. I have
been very impressed staff and the results.
How often did you have the infusions?
I went in once a week and they gave me a pump that
delivered chemo for 5 days.
Did you start radiation after chemo was done?
I had 6 week of chemo only and then 6 weeks of
chemo and radiation 5 days a week.

Hope this helps. Let me know what other questions you have anytime.



Hi @tbkomparda
Your husband's case sounds a lot like mine. Just over a year ago I had a colonoscpy by my gastro doc because I was having trouble swallowing normally. He though he might just need to stretch my esophagus a little which happens. But he found a cancerous tumor in my lower esophagus and got me transferred to cancer docs at Moffitt in Tampa near where my wife and I live. They confirmed it was cancer and got me on chemo and radiation treatment. They decided not to do surgery. After 3 chemo treatments the tumor had shrunk 30% which was a very good sign. After 28 days of chemo and radiation, the tumor was gone and I could swallow normally again! However during treatment I had some side affects and ended up with feeding tube for several months to get enough protein and calories into me. I was very tired for quite a while, but am feeling good now and have regained some of the 20 pounds I lost. I would be happy to try and answer any questions you have about my experience with esophageal cancer?

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Hi Don,
Greatly appreciate your response Moffitt is supposed to be an excellent cancer center I would say my Husband has lost a good 20 lbs and like yourself very fatigued I am so happy to hear your doing well but thru a lot but no cancer journey is a walk in the park. I do have some questions thank you for offering. What chemo regime were you on? Were there different options? How often did you have the infusions? Did you start radiation after chemo was done? Do you know what stage/type/grade. Your story gives us hope


Hi @tbkomparda
Your husband's case sounds a lot like mine. Just over a year ago I had a colonoscpy by my gastro doc because I was having trouble swallowing normally. He though he might just need to stretch my esophagus a little which happens. But he found a cancerous tumor in my lower esophagus and got me transferred to cancer docs at Moffitt in Tampa near where my wife and I live. They confirmed it was cancer and got me on chemo and radiation treatment. They decided not to do surgery. After 3 chemo treatments the tumor had shrunk 30% which was a very good sign. After 28 days of chemo and radiation, the tumor was gone and I could swallow normally again! However during treatment I had some side affects and ended up with feeding tube for several months to get enough protein and calories into me. I was very tired for quite a while, but am feeling good now and have regained some of the 20 pounds I lost. I would be happy to try and answer any questions you have about my experience with esophageal cancer?

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