Mass found on CT scan, going for an endoscopy and scared

Posted by klsmidwestmom @klsmidwestmom, Aug 15, 2022

Hello there,
I took myself to the er a few weeks ago because of a heart burn that was concerning to me, ct scan showed something in my esophagus. I also had some enlarged lymph nodes. The er doc said it could be inflammation or food, but the gastroenterologist is a little more concerned. My family doctor thinks it’s very unlikely that it’s a tumor, but either way, I’am absolutely terrified. I’m terrified of the endoscopy, as I have a horrible gag reflex, I’ve never been under sedation of any kind, and I have two more weeks to go before the procedure. I can’t stop obsessing about this whole situation, and I just don’t know if I can go through with the endoscopy. I’ve considered canceling it because of my fear. I have a lot of medical anxiety, I would rather do a barium X-ray (although I know they can’t biopsy a mass)

I’m caring for my father, my first grandchild is about to be born any day now, and my youngest is starting her senior year of HS, I’ve always been the one to take care of everyone, two grandmother’s, my father now, and I work in a nursing facility. I don’t really have the support of anyone encouraging me because I’am the one everyone comes too.

I guess I just want to know what symptoms you all experienced with esophageal cancer, how it was diagnosed (meaning what symptoms brought you to get a diagnosis) how your experience is with an endoscopy and what to expect, will I know right away if it’s a tumor and the doctor feels it could be cancer? How did you deal with the diagnosis, what do you do for severe anxiety when you can’t focus an anything and feel this terrible dreadful feeling deep in the pit of your stomach every day?

I hope this doesn’t sound a bit ridiculous not really knowing yet, but I would appreciate prayers and any advice right now. Thank you so much!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Esophageal Cancer Support Group.



Endocrinologists are much more than diabetes doctors. They are involved in the entire hormone system of the body. They are good doctors to meet especially when you have a variety of problems. Here is some information about this specialty from Mayo Clinic's website,

No, I'm sorry, but I've never had any biopsy of the lymph nodes so I can't help you with that question.

Keep posting questions and concerns as you wait for answers.

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Oh, okay, that’s good to know, I didn’t realize that. I will, thank you so much for taking the time to reply, I appreciate it!


No, I guess I thought that an endocrinologist was a diabetes doctor, but I must be wrong. Thank you for the suggestion, I never would have thought that it could be hormone related in some way, I will suggest that after I find out what my biopsy says. Do you know if it’s risky or if there is any effects to having biopsied of the lump nodes (I think they are in my chest)

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Endocrinologists are much more than diabetes doctors. They are involved in the entire hormone system of the body. They are good doctors to meet especially when you have a variety of problems. Here is some information about this specialty from Mayo Clinic's website,

No, I'm sorry, but I've never had any biopsy of the lymph nodes so I can't help you with that question.

Keep posting questions and concerns as you wait for answers.


Hello @klsmidwestmom,

You certainly are dealing with a lot of health issues, both for yourself as well as your daughters. You certainly deserve lots of good thoughts and prayers.

It is good that you are looking for answers to the myriad of problems you are experiencing.

Have you consulted an endocrinologist? Endocrinologists are doctors who are fine-tuned to all of the body systems and are good at looking at the whole picture. Your statement,

"It’s very odd that the night sweats and chills before were only the one week when I was suppose to be on my period," might possibly suggest a hormone-related problem.

An endocrinologist might be the type of doctor who could be of assistance right now.

You mention that your 17-year-old daughter will be having surgery. While I understand that you don't want to reveal the nature of her surgery, is it something hormone-related?

It is important that you provide the doctors with your complete family history, including your children.

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No, I guess I thought that an endocrinologist was a diabetes doctor, but I must be wrong. Thank you for the suggestion, I never would have thought that it could be hormone related in some way, I will suggest that after I find out what my biopsy says. Do you know if it’s risky or if there is any effects to having biopsied of the lump nodes (I think they are in my chest)


I have an update. So the month of May, June and July, I didn’t have my period, I’m 45, so thinking I’m starting peri menopause, I had awful night sweats, chills and a low grade fever for those weeks. Now, August is here and I actually get my period, but I still have the night sweats, chills and a higher fever that won’t go away. I’m alarmed, so I take myself to the ER (one month from the last time I went with heartburn and they found something in my esophagus)

They run some different blood tests and found out I have inflammation somewhere in my body. The doctor decides she wants to do another CT scan to see if the mass in the esophagus is still there or has changed any. My white blood cell count was also raised some. Great news, the mass didn’t show up this time, so she’s guessing it was probably just food… but, my lymph nodes haven’t changed and one of them was a bit bigger.
She called an oncologist because she’s suspicious of possibly lymphoma or some auto immune disease, she asked me if I had any rashes, tick bites, etc…. The oncologist wants me to have the endoscopy and have lymph nodes biopsied. She also put me on an antibiotic for some bacteria in my urine.
I know there is something going on inside of me. It’s very odd that the night sweats and chills before were only the one week when I was suppose to be on my period. I’am very thankful that the mass didn’t show up in my esophagus this time, but I’am very frightened of what’s going on inside me. Any thoughts on this?

Just when I think things can’t get worse, my 17 year old daughter, who’s getting ready to start her senior year, has to have a major surgery that can have complications, we just found this out on Friday, I know she wouldn’t want me to share the details, but it’s so hard to focus on me, with all this going on. I’m devastated, and I don’t feel well enough to be there for my oldest daughter who is due in September 3rd, she wanted me to be in the delivery room with her, my first grand baby, so I’m praying these antibiotics take away my fever and night sweats. Could use any and all prayers, friends. Thanks for listening.

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Hello @klsmidwestmom,

You certainly are dealing with a lot of health issues, both for yourself as well as your daughters. You certainly deserve lots of good thoughts and prayers.

It is good that you are looking for answers to the myriad of problems you are experiencing.

Have you consulted an endocrinologist? Endocrinologists are doctors who are fine-tuned to all of the body systems and are good at looking at the whole picture. Your statement,

"It’s very odd that the night sweats and chills before were only the one week when I was suppose to be on my period," might possibly suggest a hormone-related problem.

An endocrinologist might be the type of doctor who could be of assistance right now.

You mention that your 17-year-old daughter will be having surgery. While I understand that you don't want to reveal the nature of her surgery, is it something hormone-related?

It is important that you provide the doctors with your complete family history, including your children.


I have an update. So the month of May, June and July, I didn’t have my period, I’m 45, so thinking I’m starting peri menopause, I had awful night sweats, chills and a low grade fever for those weeks. Now, August is here and I actually get my period, but I still have the night sweats, chills and a higher fever that won’t go away. I’m alarmed, so I take myself to the ER (one month from the last time I went with heartburn and they found something in my esophagus)

They run some different blood tests and found out I have inflammation somewhere in my body. The doctor decides she wants to do another CT scan to see if the mass in the esophagus is still there or has changed any. My white blood cell count was also raised some. Great news, the mass didn’t show up this time, so she’s guessing it was probably just food… but, my lymph nodes haven’t changed and one of them was a bit bigger.
She called an oncologist because she’s suspicious of possibly lymphoma or some auto immune disease, she asked me if I had any rashes, tick bites, etc…. The oncologist wants me to have the endoscopy and have lymph nodes biopsied. She also put me on an antibiotic for some bacteria in my urine.
I know there is something going on inside of me. It’s very odd that the night sweats and chills before were only the one week when I was suppose to be on my period. I’am very thankful that the mass didn’t show up in my esophagus this time, but I’am very frightened of what’s going on inside me. Any thoughts on this?

Just when I think things can’t get worse, my 17 year old daughter, who’s getting ready to start her senior year, has to have a major surgery that can have complications, we just found this out on Friday, I know she wouldn’t want me to share the details, but it’s so hard to focus on me, with all this going on. I’m devastated, and I don’t feel well enough to be there for my oldest daughter who is due in September 3rd, she wanted me to be in the delivery room with her, my first grand baby, so I’m praying these antibiotics take away my fever and night sweats. Could use any and all prayers, friends. Thanks for listening.


@klsmidwestmom - I have had several endoscopies- lucky me!- and I don’t remember any of them. It would be very hard for the doctors to perform them if they started with the patient awake. There is absolutely no gagging!
They bring you in to the endoscopy room on a cot, you may have to move to another cot. There probably is an IV inserted already by the nurse getting you changed and getting your vital signs.
There will be an anesthesiologist or nurse anesthetist there who will give you the sedation in the IV and they put an oxygen mask on your face. Nowadays, I’m doing my best- for fun- to see how far I can count before I doze off! I never get past 5!
It’s not a long procedure and when you are done they take you to the recovery area where a nurse checks you and forces you to wake up! I resist, because I’m having such a nice nap. Anyway, you are awake fairly soon and you may get something to drink. They will also let your family member come in then. After half an hour or so, you are getting dressed and placed in a wheelchair to leave. The doctor may see you, or not, depending on their schedule.
This is an accurate description of my experiences- will you tell me yours after it’s done?

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Yes, I will let you know how mine goes. I hope mine is as easy as yours! Thank you for trying to give me some peace of mind.


Once they put the knock out juice in your IV it's lights out. Next thing you'll be waking up after it's done, easy peasy! You have nothing to fear about this procedure. That day you can't drive or sign any contracts due to being sedated.


I love music, so yes, I need to turn to it during this time, thank you! Do you remember anything about the endoscopy? I’m just so terrified for it, I’ve never gone under sedation.

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@klsmidwestmom - I have had several endoscopies- lucky me!- and I don’t remember any of them. It would be very hard for the doctors to perform them if they started with the patient awake. There is absolutely no gagging!
They bring you in to the endoscopy room on a cot, you may have to move to another cot. There probably is an IV inserted already by the nurse getting you changed and getting your vital signs.
There will be an anesthesiologist or nurse anesthetist there who will give you the sedation in the IV and they put an oxygen mask on your face. Nowadays, I’m doing my best- for fun- to see how far I can count before I doze off! I never get past 5!
It’s not a long procedure and when you are done they take you to the recovery area where a nurse checks you and forces you to wake up! I resist, because I’m having such a nice nap. Anyway, you are awake fairly soon and you may get something to drink. They will also let your family member come in then. After half an hour or so, you are getting dressed and placed in a wheelchair to leave. The doctor may see you, or not, depending on their schedule.
This is an accurate description of my experiences- will you tell me yours after it’s done?


Such great advice here from everyone. You are doing the right thing getting this checked out, if just for your peace of mind.
There’s nothing you can do at this moment so enjoy your family, your youngest’s first day of HS and loving on your dad. Remember to breathe and even meditate. Whatever you find relaxing, do lots of it.
We’re all here to share our experiences, when you’re at the next step.
In the meantime, sending you lots of loving light…

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I will, thank you so much for the reminder!


@klsmidwestmom Your screen name indicates for me that you may be a couple hours ahead of where i am in Oregon. If so, I trust you have settled down for the evening. How to do that, how to distract yourself? Do you have a book you are reading? How about a quiet hobby? I crochet things for charity, and that will let me zone out. [my husband says usually I relax so much I fall asleep within a half-hour!] Or a coloring book to distract you? Purring ball of fur in your lap?

One thing that has helped me many times, is to write it out. Personally I do best with paper and pen, but many will journal in a word program on computer. The act of "getting it out of your system" gives anything less power, too. No one has to read it again, even you, if you choose not to. Try it!

Deep breath, in and out slowly, relax into it...

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I did settle down Ginger, thank you, I’m from Iowa actually. I bought some coloring books and you are right, very relaxing! Thank you for the suggestion. Thank you for your kind, calming and uplifting words of encouragement, I need them badly.

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