Magnesium Glycinate

Posted by meri8181 @meri8181, Jan 22 4:11pm

I am currently not taking any medications for my bone loss.
Just fell into Osteoporosis in my femoral neck. I have upped my exercises, strength weight training, jumping, Pilates, yoga, walking up hills, taking Vitamin D3, B Complex, magnesium Glycinate , plant based Calcium, and FORTIBONE by NativePath .
Does anyone know the limit for magnesium glycinate. I read for women 320 mg but I want to take more.

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I can’t recall the max recommended, but checked with my doctor when I started. I’ve been taking around 300 for about a year.


meri8181, I take 200 mg a day....anything more than that causes stomach upset.

It was recommended by my cardiologist for my heart and for better sleep, muscle relaxation & Fibromyalgia.

Wishing you the best. Blessings & Happy New Year.


meri8181, I take 200 mg a day....anything more than that causes stomach upset.

It was recommended by my cardiologist for my heart and for better sleep, muscle relaxation & Fibromyalgia.

Wishing you the best. Blessings & Happy New Year.

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I take 300 and no upset stomach.
I’ll ask my Drs.
Thank you and Happy New Year as well.
I’m not looking forward to the next 4 years .


My endocrinologist put me on 500 mg of the magnesium glycinate. I had a hard time finding it though.


Hi -
I take 400 mg at night for atypical migraines. I accidentally doubled it and trust me, you do not want to do that. My stomach wasn’t upset but it had me running to the bathroom like crazy. 400 mg is the maximum I was told to take.

Good luck.


What is the difference between Glycinate and L Threonate?


My endocrinologist put me on 500 mg of the magnesium glycinate. I had a hard time finding it though.

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Any side effects? Where did you finally find it ?
I think dosage depends on body weight, frame size, age ?
I’m 120, 5’3, small framed ,74 yrs.


Any side effects? Where did you finally find it ?
I think dosage depends on body weight, frame size, age ?
I’m 120, 5’3, small framed ,74 yrs.

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I found it on Amazon, brand name is naturebell.
As far as side effects, I can’t say for sure, since I started that at the same time as several other prescriptions. I’m 69, 4’11”( shrunk 2 “- thank you bad bones😩)108 lbs. when the endocrinologist started me on this, I was told it would aid in relaxation in the evening- I can definitely say- that is NOT one of the side effects I’ve had!


meri8181, I take 200 mg a day....anything more than that causes stomach upset.

It was recommended by my cardiologist for my heart and for better sleep, muscle relaxation & Fibromyalgia.

Wishing you the best. Blessings & Happy New Year.

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Has taking the magnesium helped your heart and sleep? What heart issues do you have?


Has taking the magnesium helped your heart and sleep? What heart issues do you have?

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tkr1, I have a lot of pvs & palpitations. My Cardilogist recommended me to take this daily to help both. I can tell a difference. I do feel more relaxed in my muscles (Fibromyalgia) taking it. It is also good for constipation, leg cramps & migraines. There is a product called Calm Natural Vitality Powder that a lot of folks take at night for sleep and it has magnesium in it. Please consult with your doctor before trying these.

You have to be careful with the dosage as to much can give you diarrhea. I do well with 200 mg of the magnesium glycinate. Some folks are able to tolerate more...not me.

Blessings & Prayers....

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