Lymphedema in legs

Posted by mariwy59 @mariwy59, Aug 2, 2017

I was diagnosed with lympedema in 2007. Due to unforseen circumstances I am now on disability so i cant stand for long periods of time without excruciating pain. I have to change so many things in my daily life but one thing that is bothering me is the pain I feel all the time .Try to do things to put in the back of my mind. My condition seems to be getting worse with the stiffness . I watch sit and fit on TV when can which helps some but the thought of not being able to walk at all has me terrified.

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Just had to post an update on my new hubcaps...well they do cover my wheels ☺ Did I tell you I hate compression socks even more now. The two pair of toe less side zippered ones I bought on my own were 15 to 20 mm compression and I thought that was tight on my feet & legs. After wearing the new 20 mm to 30 mm compression socks the rest of the day Monday I thought I was going to have to cut them off with the scissors. But I'm really cheap and the socks were $80 (psst...I'm not buying them again at the Mayo Store). I'm on day 3 of wearing them and I really think they are doing the job as my right leg would normally be quite large between the knee and the ankle by mid morning. So I'm hoping the socks are not a forever thing but it is what it is.

Happy Wednesday!

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John, your right leg looks good. Keep up with it!


Just had to post an update on my new hubcaps...well they do cover my wheels ☺ Did I tell you I hate compression socks even more now. The two pair of toe less side zippered ones I bought on my own were 15 to 20 mm compression and I thought that was tight on my feet & legs. After wearing the new 20 mm to 30 mm compression socks the rest of the day Monday I thought I was going to have to cut them off with the scissors. But I'm really cheap and the socks were $80 (psst...I'm not buying them again at the Mayo Store). I'm on day 3 of wearing them and I really think they are doing the job as my right leg would normally be quite large between the knee and the ankle by mid morning. So I'm hoping the socks are not a forever thing but it is what it is.

Happy Wednesday!


I had my follow up with the lymphedema specialist after all of the tests and the best plan is to continue with the compression socks only up them to the 20 to 30 mm socks. The ones I bought must not have been very good plus I didn't really measure my feet for sizing...just chose what I thought would work. I had my side zippered toe less compression socks on and my left leg looked fairly normal but the right leg/ankle were pretty swollen which is why the doctor thought we should up the compression and maybe I could use the other one on the left foot and the new 20 to 30 mm on the right foot. He wrote a script and I took it to the Mayo store and the lady knew a lot about the socks. She suggested the regular 20-30mm socks instead of the wraps because she said they are better if the swelling is also in the foot. She sized my leg and showed me how to easily get the socks on and I wore them both home and will try it again tomorrow. They don't feel quite as bad as I thought so we'll see how the swelling looks when I take them off. I'm sure they will look normal in the morning like they usually do.

I have a follow up consult with Sleep Medicine on July 23rd for the sleep apnea test results so I'm kind of wondering what their recommendation is going to be. The other really great news is that I received a call from orthopedics this afternoon and now have an appointment for a consult with a knee specialist to find out their recommendations on the x-ray results ordered by vascular medicine when I had my first appointment with them. Excited but nervous...and it's not even Friday yet.



Under the Live & Learn Category -- after my initial appointment with the Lymphedema specialist who examined me and setup some additional tests including my right knee X-ray the doctor suggested compression socks would probably be the answer. We discussed different kinds and the difficulty of putting them on. He gave me a script to take to the Mayo store in the lower level. The lady gave me some different brand names and suggestions and said I could get them cheaper online since they didn't have the one the doctor discussed...and the script he printed out of Epic was for compression panty hose ☺ Search I did when I got home and found toe less compression socks with side zippers. I ordered two pairs and wore them faithfully all day long for 2 weeks.

Then last week my right foot started aching a little around the toes so last Thursday I stopped wearing them and my foot kept getting worse. I was at a pain level 8+ trying to walk and put pressure on the right foot. Then I realized I had gout in my big toe. Couldn't stand to touch the skin on the top or side of the toe. This morning I went to the local drug store and bought a reusable gel cold pack, took an ibuprofen and now this afternoon most of the pain has subsided but it's still tender. So the moral of my story is no more toe less compression socks. I have my follow up appointment on the July 9th to go over all the test results for the lymphedema and what the recommendations are for treatment. Still waiting for an appointment for the knee which I'm hoping will be soon.

Have a Happy and safe 4th of July!


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@johnbishop- John, so sorry to hear about your sore toe! Most of the compresson socks I've seen are toeless so I would have done the same. I have heard that gout is very painful! You have a wonderful 4th as well and take it easy! We are all rooting for you!!


Under the Live & Learn Category -- after my initial appointment with the Lymphedema specialist who examined me and setup some additional tests including my right knee X-ray the doctor suggested compression socks would probably be the answer. We discussed different kinds and the difficulty of putting them on. He gave me a script to take to the Mayo store in the lower level. The lady gave me some different brand names and suggestions and said I could get them cheaper online since they didn't have the one the doctor discussed...and the script he printed out of Epic was for compression panty hose ☺ Search I did when I got home and found toe less compression socks with side zippers. I ordered two pairs and wore them faithfully all day long for 2 weeks.

Then last week my right foot started aching a little around the toes so last Thursday I stopped wearing them and my foot kept getting worse. I was at a pain level 8+ trying to walk and put pressure on the right foot. Then I realized I had gout in my big toe. Couldn't stand to touch the skin on the top or side of the toe. This morning I went to the local drug store and bought a reusable gel cold pack, took an ibuprofen and now this afternoon most of the pain has subsided but it's still tender. So the moral of my story is no more toe less compression socks. I have my follow up appointment on the July 9th to go over all the test results for the lymphedema and what the recommendations are for treatment. Still waiting for an appointment for the knee which I'm hoping will be soon.

Have a Happy and safe 4th of July!


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@johnbishop I had gout once Dr.put me on colchicon did the trick but s would ice
You 4th to you John also


Under the Live & Learn Category -- after my initial appointment with the Lymphedema specialist who examined me and setup some additional tests including my right knee X-ray the doctor suggested compression socks would probably be the answer. We discussed different kinds and the difficulty of putting them on. He gave me a script to take to the Mayo store in the lower level. The lady gave me some different brand names and suggestions and said I could get them cheaper online since they didn't have the one the doctor discussed...and the script he printed out of Epic was for compression panty hose ☺ Search I did when I got home and found toe less compression socks with side zippers. I ordered two pairs and wore them faithfully all day long for 2 weeks.

Then last week my right foot started aching a little around the toes so last Thursday I stopped wearing them and my foot kept getting worse. I was at a pain level 8+ trying to walk and put pressure on the right foot. Then I realized I had gout in my big toe. Couldn't stand to touch the skin on the top or side of the toe. This morning I went to the local drug store and bought a reusable gel cold pack, took an ibuprofen and now this afternoon most of the pain has subsided but it's still tender. So the moral of my story is no more toe less compression socks. I have my follow up appointment on the July 9th to go over all the test results for the lymphedema and what the recommendations are for treatment. Still waiting for an appointment for the knee which I'm hoping will be soon.

Have a Happy and safe 4th of July!



Just wanted to give an update on the lymphedema...

Sigh, I feel like I'm back in the Navy...hurry up and wait, hurry up and wait...I have never had a lot of patience so maybe this is part of my life's experience training to give me more patience. This is week two after all my tests were ordered through vascular medicine and I now have an appointment for July 9th to go over the results. Since the vascular related tests showed no super serious stuff I'm assuming my treatment for the lymphedema is going to be compression socks. I have bought 2 pairs of calf high 15 to 20 mm toe less compression socks with side zipper that I've been using for about a week now. They are fairly easy to get on and off and seem to be helping with the daytime swelling of the leg. I may have to get different ones after I have my consultation with the doctor on the 9th.

He requested an appointment with Sleep Medicine after my abnormal sleep study results but I don't have an appointment yet. He also had requested a followup appointment with Orthopedics after that knee x-ray but it's not looking good for an appointment anytime soon which is a big concern for me now as it's getting harder each day to put any weight on my right leg due to the knee. I switched my exercise bike to elliptical mode because it's less bending for the knee and probably better exercise for me. I have been trying to do 10 to 15 minutes in the morning and in the evening but haven't been getting it done too often in the evening. I think this exercise helps build the leg strength as long as the knee doesn't hurt doing the motions.

Kind of reminds me of the song Patience by Guns N' Roses

So I'm hoping for a little patience for all my friends that are in waiting mode including me☺


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Amen to that!


Just wanted to give an update on the lymphedema...

Sigh, I feel like I'm back in the Navy...hurry up and wait, hurry up and wait...I have never had a lot of patience so maybe this is part of my life's experience training to give me more patience. This is week two after all my tests were ordered through vascular medicine and I now have an appointment for July 9th to go over the results. Since the vascular related tests showed no super serious stuff I'm assuming my treatment for the lymphedema is going to be compression socks. I have bought 2 pairs of calf high 15 to 20 mm toe less compression socks with side zipper that I've been using for about a week now. They are fairly easy to get on and off and seem to be helping with the daytime swelling of the leg. I may have to get different ones after I have my consultation with the doctor on the 9th.

He requested an appointment with Sleep Medicine after my abnormal sleep study results but I don't have an appointment yet. He also had requested a followup appointment with Orthopedics after that knee x-ray but it's not looking good for an appointment anytime soon which is a big concern for me now as it's getting harder each day to put any weight on my right leg due to the knee. I switched my exercise bike to elliptical mode because it's less bending for the knee and probably better exercise for me. I have been trying to do 10 to 15 minutes in the morning and in the evening but haven't been getting it done too often in the evening. I think this exercise helps build the leg strength as long as the knee doesn't hurt doing the motions.

Kind of reminds me of the song Patience by Guns N' Roses

So I'm hoping for a little patience for all my friends that are in waiting mode including me☺


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@johnbishop- John, hang in there! Remember we were taught that Patience is a virtue. I know I have learned to make numerous deposits in my Virtue account especially when it comes to dealing with healthcare issues! Jim T. @thankful



"It's harder to hit a moving target" - we should all embroider that on our pillow cases!



@johnbishop LOL.. your too funny. Old man bathroom trips.. Well I will pray that he can help you and it's an easy fix.. But keep moving as much as you help. I think movement helps the lymphedema if I 'm not mistaken?

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@travelgirl - All forms of movement are good! I learned a long time ago that it's harder to hit a moving target and I'm taking it to heart ☺

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