lumbar and cervical disc, narrowing spinal canal, chronic calf cramp

Posted by shapol46 @shapol46, Mar 2, 2019

7 months ago my mom (57) took a blood test and everything except Triglyceride and cholesterol was normal. She took Atorvastatin for around 3 months. A few weeks later her legs started pain and her doctor told us it isn't related to this pill. After 3 months we didn't let she use it anymore and used herbal drugs in order to control her fat level. Around a month later her left ankle swallowed and the X-ray showed cartilage destruction and Osteoporosis at her ankle. She used glucosamine for a month. Then her right hand stopped working for a few days. MRI showed cervical and lumbar disc (2 at neck and one at the waist, the waist one is mild) and spinal cord stenosis. Her right leg also a few days later stopped working, I mean she can't bend her knee and walk with difficulty. The doctors say its due to spinal stenosis. Now her right leg is in severe pain some days. She can't sit on the sofa because her leg swallow badly and she can't stand up easily after that. Her right calf has cramp for around two months and massage although can make it a little better but doesn't work properly, it is as big as an egg when touching it. She is going to physiotherapy for 15 sessions and 5 is left. 10 in a row and the last 5 ones 2 days a week without any improvement. She also had two times laser therapy and one day needle. Everything started suddenly and she never ever had any muscle and joint problem. She also has lost her appetite and her Triglyceride was normal last months but cholesterol was high. The doctor prescribed Diclofenac, Calcium, Fosamax, Vitamin D and B complex for every week plus two types of antidepressant because she can't sleep well and feel depressed. She used to sleep so deep. I appreciate any help, we live in a small town of a developing country and she can't sit on cars for long times to take her to big cities.

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@shapol46 Sorry to hear all your Mother's misery Welcome to Connect alot of caring people on here You mentioned your Mom looked into herbals and vitamins I started to study this in the 70,s one good reference book is by Phyllis Balch Nutritional Healing lots of good information there I would do some research on her problems in this book It has helped me alot. I have L2 old fracture but this has given me back and nerve problems Cholesterol high on Crestor My tools I use that help me are Tens unit for tight muscles of course check with your Dr first ,Golden Milk for inflammation, ice ,heating pad others will chime in maybe something will resonate for you.You gave good information about your Mom,s problems Stay strong


@shapol46 Sorry to hear all your Mother's misery Welcome to Connect alot of caring people on here You mentioned your Mom looked into herbals and vitamins I started to study this in the 70,s one good reference book is by Phyllis Balch Nutritional Healing lots of good information there I would do some research on her problems in this book It has helped me alot. I have L2 old fracture but this has given me back and nerve problems Cholesterol high on Crestor My tools I use that help me are Tens unit for tight muscles of course check with your Dr first ,Golden Milk for inflammation, ice ,heating pad others will chime in maybe something will resonate for you.You gave good information about your Mom,s problems Stay strong

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Dear @lioness thank you very much for replying and giving me very good tips. Praying that you get better soon. I try to find the book and use CRESTOR I didn't know about this tool. She uses TENS and heating pad at physiotherapy but it hasn't worked. I'll try Golden Milk, hope it help. My mom's discs are C4-C5, C5-C6 and L4-L5. The doctors said she doesn't need surgery, yet and if she needs I 'm sure she never do it.


@shapol46 Your welcome I hope some of this helps . its a tough road but you have to be positive in your thought and spirit


Good Morning and Welcome!
So sorry your mother is going through so much! Obviously, I am not a medical person but along the way, on my own journey, I have learned a few things.
First, it is possible that some of the issues your mother is having could be related to her surgery even though her surgery was months ago. You never know if she did something or moved a certain way that is causing some of her issues.
As far as the meds are concerned. Sounds like she may be taking too many new things at one time that it makes it difficult to know what is the culprit. I agree with many of our members that Crestor is a good drug. I take it, too. You should read the inserts with the meds to see if some of the symptoms your mom is having is related to the meds. If you no longer have the medical inserts, you can have the pharmacy print out a new one or research on the web. You also need to be careful with supplements. Just because they are sold over the counter does not mean they cannot interact with some prescribed meds or have their own side effects.
I also have spinal stenosis in my cervical and lumbar. I've had surgery and my pain is gone. However, now I am having issues with my legs. They are weak and my feet and toes have been going numb. The MRI shows the stenosis and my nerves are clustering together. This MIGHT be the cause. I am having a test this week to investigate further. Has your mom had an EMG? This test is uncomfortable but tests to see how the nerves are. Another test might be done by a vascular doctor to see is her veins are involved, which might cause the swelling.
I might suggest a couple of things....
1. See about her having those tests.
2. Check to make sure the meds and supplements are not interacting in a negative way.
3. TENS unit for pain
4. Use medical support socks that go up to the knee. These socks help with circulation and swelling. They come in all tightnesses, prices and sizes. They can be ordered on line or you can get them in a pharmacy or Walmart.
5. Although it might cause pain, walking is important to keep your mom's circulation going. Even 10 minutes around the house a few times a day will be helpful.
6. If she has access to a pool, the water is a good place for her exercise or even just walk.
7. It is important for her to keep moving!!
Hope this helps and I hope she feels better soon!

Ronnie (GRANDMAr)


@shapol46 Another thing to look at would be a possibility for blood clots. If your mom is sedentary because she is in pain or cannot walk, she is more prone to develop blood clots. A common place to get them is in the calf muscles. This could be happening in addition to the symptoms from her spine issues, so it's best to not assume that the spine is the cause of all of it. My mom had blood clots and her lower leg swelled and was hard. She is on blood thinning medication permanently now since she can't walk and uses a wheel chair. It was a reoccurring problem until she started on a blood thinner. The ankle joint issues likely cause some inflammation and swelling too. Talk to her doctor and ask about blood clots. She may need to sit with her legs elevated to lessen swelling.


@shapol46 Hi, and welcome to Connect. You have some great suggestions here, there's not much I can add. I do think the compression stockings could help though. You comment you are in a developing country so I am not sure if this would be available to you, but the first time a doctor prescribed compression stockings for me I was sent to a drug store that actually does the measuring and selects the best size for you. The doctor had indicated the compression he thought I should have.
There are online sites that sell the stockings also, and you can do the measuring at home and decide what would be the best fit. You would need to figure out the best compression though. I am not a medical professional, but I know when they were prescribed for me it was not the lowest compression, but one up. If you do choose to purchase some of these, the over-the-knee type is more comfortable, they don't cut into your flesh as the knee-highs do. The company I have purchased from is Jobst.
I hope you find something to give your mother some relief. I will be interested to hear what that is when you do find something.

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