Lower Lumbar Pain - On 5th Doctor no Help
I had a steroid injection into my L5,4 & 3 facet in Sept. 2023 that was the beginning of the end. Two weeks after I started in with pain and now 16 months later I am on my 5th doctor and the pain is a 10 every day. I have had an ablation to the L5, 4 & 3 facet no help, PRFM to the facet L5, 4 & 3 not help, Three steroid injections into my SI joint no help, steroid injection into my L5, 4, 3 disk no help, they want to do a steroid injection into the Piriformis next. I have lower back pain and pain in the right hip area now has moved down into my quad on the right leg. No shooting pain in the leg just very achy. Prior to this I was a very healthy 63 year old, road my mountain bike, hiked and was an avid golfer. Retired and moved to Arizona to play golf, my golf clubs are sitting in the garage un used. Nothing the doctors have done has helped just a little. I don't understand why it is so hard to figure out. I do need a doctor that cares for sure - I live in Mesa Arizona.
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You are in Mayo Phoenix area. They may be able to help you figure out what is going on.
Wishing you the best and pain relief.
I had the same thing happen to me. Very active and had an MRI which showed degenerative disk disease in my L4and L5. I had lots of lower back pain which started suddenly and numbness and pain in my left lower leg. My doctor said we could try the Intracept Procedure to see if it helped. I had this done on November 26, 2024 and in the last two weeks I’ve noticed less pain in my lower back. I am finally able to start doing more things. Has your doctor suggested this procedure? I know that not every doctor does it. Some people have had complete recovery after getting this done and it’s covered in full by Medicare. I went to Canyon Pain and Spine in AZ. Retired here also. 66 year old female.
Thank u so much for responding. I am currently seeing Canyon to. I have not heard of this procedure Ieill need to look up. It is frustrating at Canyon u see the doctor once and then thereafter a PA. Thank u.
I contacted the Mayo and they told me they were not taking any new patients in orthopedics. I will try again. Thank u.
Dr. Kirk Bowden is the one who did the procedure for me. Also, Sean Barney. Maybe there is a reason you don’t qualify for this procedure??? I certainly had high hopes that I would be one of the “lucky ones” who had no pain after this procedure, but it wasn’t a cure all for me. I have heard it can take up to 12 months to get the whole benefit. Wishing you the best. I certainly had to wrap my head around feeling like I couldn’t do all the things I used to do.
I hear you, brother! Your story could be mine. I fell while skiing back in 2016 and landed quite hard on my lower back and buttocks. Did PT, injections, and ablations with little to no success. It wasn't until summer of 2017 when I was referred to a private practice neurologist, who spent an hour and a half(!) with me. She prescribed a cocktail of meds that brought my pain down to about a two to a three. Some days it flared up to a six-7. Was referred to ortho surgeon who recommended L5-S1 fusion to correct spondylolithesis. Surgery did not help. Would not have it done again. Had spinal cord stimulator implanted in 2018 after successful trial. Worked well until 2021 when it just stopped. Had pain pump implanted in 2023. Has never given any pain relief. At this point, I have done just about everything that can be done. I am currently on tramadol, gabapentin, diclofenac K, baclofen for the pain. These help marginally. I tried a trial of a new SCS last October. Could not get leads into sweet spot, so no real results. I can only wish you well and pray that you can find a doctor who will take the time to really listen to you and take the time to look deeper into your issues.
Something to look into. I have pain in the lower back for the past four years. I had a MRI that's shows arthritis and problems with my L4 and L5. I had 6 procedures of numbing injections plus the Vertiflex procedure also the doctor drilled into the backbone and burned the nerve leading from the lower back to the brain. Nothing has worked. Planning on going to the Huntsville AL. Pain and Spine Clinic to see what they can do. I will be mentioning this to them. Thanks for the information.
@molhof123 If you think you may be a surgical candidate, you could try the Mayo Neurological Surgery department or you could apply to the main Rochester Mayo campus if you are willing to travel. Both orthopedic surgeons and neurosurgeons may be spine specialists. You also have the Barrow Neurological Institiute in your area, and they have good spine specialists. Here is their website. https://www.barrowneuro.org/
May need your pelvic floor checked by a good doctor. Neurosurgeons in Oklahoma don’t seem to know anything about the bottom of the area of the spine or seat of the spine. The pelvic floor can affect the low back, hips, and all the way to the feet. Also, the organs and or nerves contained therein.
Wishing you the best.
I have been seeking help from pain management, Ortho, and Nero docs for over one year for SI joint pain right side and burning pain down my right thigh and right knee cap. I had spinal stenossis foraminal decompresson surgery 10 days ago. It seems to help my ability to stand up straight and a little less pain down the right thigh and knee cap. No help with the S I joint pain. My Manual Physical Therapst thinks they are two separate.