Loose tibial 3 yrs after TKR

Posted by wa34937 @wa34937, Nov 21, 2023

Mid 70's female, typical chronic pain post TKR, knee has locked up. Revision MD says tibial component is loose, moving side to side causing loose joint and knee out of alignment. Recommends replacement of only the tibial (if we're lucky). No osteo, no infection, no reason why it loosened. Zimmer NextGen joint. What went wrong here, did the surgeon err?

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I am 2 1/2 years out from tkr. Less than 6 months after surgery I felt clicking and lateral pain on outside of knee. Still there ☹️ No infection and latest doc, #5, has hinted at loosening. Pain all the time except when I bike ride. Can’t walk much at all and even swimming isn’t pain free. Am grateful I can ride my bike and now doing weights to help bones as weight bearing is too painful. Use lidocaine patches, taping and bio freeze to take the edge off. 50 mg Lyrica at night plus 10 mg melatonin to help with sleep. See doctor in a month to discuss latest bone scan. Keep posting on any progress. I keep reminding myself of what I can do, not what I can’t do. 😍

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