Looking for people who have high levels of B6 trigger neuropathy.

Posted by margesil @margesil, Nov 27, 2024

Two years ago I experienced a number of different symptoms that I thought were disconnected…nausea, heartburn, walking off balance, burning/ pinprick pain in feet, numbness. Found they were, in fact, symptoms of B6 toxicity. Requested bloodwork to test my theory, despite doctors skepticism. Level was at 72! ( norm near 10) I changed supplement so B6 was only 4 mg. Tried to cut down foods high in B6 , but found it difficult, as they were most easily digestible. After 6 months, B6 gradually came down, meds helped with digestive issues, lost 30 lbs. Unfortunately, the neuropathy has remained. I recently found myself with more wobbly gait, some sensitivity to light, just feeling off. Bloodtest showed B6 creeping back up, now 32. Has anyone found a reason for why B6 absorption may be problematic, if supplementation is not a cause?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuropathy Support Group.

I’ve found a lot of support from B6T group on Facebook. Also lots of information on the website understandingb6toxicity.com.
Hope this helps.


Hello @margesil, I would like to add my welcome to Connect along with @dhamil and others. There is a wealth of member experience with B6 toxicity here on Connect. You might find it helpful to scan through other discussions on B6 toxicity to learn what others have shared. Here's a link that lists the discussions - https://connect.mayoclinic.org/search/discussions/?search=b6%20toxicity.

Here are a few references if you haven't already seen them:
-- NIH - Nutritional Neuropathies (B6 section might answer your question)
-- Vitamin B6 Toxicity Revisited: A Case of Reversible Pyridoxine-associated Neuropathy and Disequilibrium. (P4.021)
-- Vitamin B6 Toxicity


Thank you for all this info! I will set aside a day to go through it, As it’s Thanksgiving today, I’ll try to forget the issue, enjoy all the extra B6 I’m adding to my body( turkey) It’s a comfort to know I have this Connect as a resource. I am grateful for that.


The Pernicious Anemia B12 Support Group on Facebook also has lots of info on B6 - B12, and avoiding toxicity and imbalance.


The Pernicious Anemia B12 Support Group on Facebook also has lots of info on B6 - B12, and avoiding toxicity and imbalance.

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Thank you! I’ll check out that group .


I’ve found a lot of support from B6T group on Facebook. Also lots of information on the website understandingb6toxicity.com.
Hope this helps.

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My neurologist found B6 toxicity so I have been off it for about 3 months. I just had a blood draw to check level. She said it could take a long time to reverse any effects of toxicity.


Thanks for responding. What are your blood levels? Have you eliminated supplements, even if it had low amount of B6( ie 4 mg)?
Dud get doctor think neuropathy could be reversed?


I was taking too much b6. I quit the supplements and only take a multivitamin. The itching in my feet stopped to an occasional event. I quit sugar and high carb foods except for like Thanksgiving etc. I still have PN with pain and numbness but thankfully that dang itch is mostly gone.


Thanks for your info. Does your multi include B6? If so, how much?


My neurologist found B6 toxicity so I have been off it for about 3 months. I just had a blood draw to check level. She said it could take a long time to reverse any effects of toxicity.

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For the first time since the onset of this B6 issue and neuropathy fallout, I have an understanding of “the why” of it. I had thought it was an absorption issues, but if the “ Understanding B6 Toxicity “ information is correct, it gives me an opportunity to do something to gain some control.
Exercise and preventing dehydration will be my focus. Thanks SO very much for steering me in that direction!

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