long term HIV/AIDS surv and AVN?

Posted by tmpjr123 @tmpjr123, 4 days ago

I was diagnosed in 1992 as Positive and have had various things like neuropathy of the bladder. I was diagnosed with bursitis of both shoulders and my right hip. I would get injections yearly I thought I was going in for a routine injection and when they gave it to me within 24 hours I couldn't walk I couldn't put weight on my right hip I was then diagnosed with AVN of the right hip within a year or less I was diagnosed with bilateral AVN mind you this was in a few months after contracting COVID from a client and having a brie emergency COVID precaution of Evucheld ( hopefully I spelled that right) a form of monoclonal therapy in both buttocks. It could just be a coincidence but they burned like nothing I've ever felt before and that's shortly before I was diagnosed with AVN. Call me crazy but it feels like these are all connected. when I wake up I feel like my whole body has rigor mortis. Now I'm wondering can I have AvN of both hands? My hip replacement has been delayed because I have the lowest disc in my back pressing on my nerves exiting the spine Don't know if that's causing my hands to be numb and trigger finger or if it's AVN. it just seems to be dragging on forever and the chronic pain is unbearable has anybody else had these symptoms?

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