Stage IV prostate cancer issues: Pain related to radiation?

Posted by swe1205 @swe1205, May 9, 2022

I was diagnosed with stage four, did Lupron and xtandi for two years along with 35 radiation treatments. Went off drugs for 6 months and had no pain but body scan found hot spots in neck vertebrae.
I’m back on Lupron and xtandi and will have radiation to neck in June.
My issue is this……..I am have a different feeling of pain that is hard to describe where I was radiated two years ago. It feels as if the burnt skin has ripped from my bone and it feels like a piercing pain inches below my bellybutton. Crazy, huh? At first I thought I had a hernia and maybe I do, but there is no bump that I can feel and no fever etc.
So my question is this, has anyone had this type of pain? I am going to see my radiology oncologist this week and don’t want to sound crazy.

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I have not had such a feeling…yet. Like you I’ve had radiation, the latest just four months ago. So we’re on a similar path. I’ve had a similar pain in an area not radiated that was best described as a symptom of nerve entrapment. My doctor didn’t really want to diagnose it as that so who knows. Just don’t worry about sounding crazy and if a doc makes you feel that way, change docs.


@swe1205, did you learn anything from your radiation oncologist about the pain you're experiencing? How are you doing?

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