How long do Lupron side effects last after treatment concludes?

Posted by jbuuck @jonbuuck, May 10, 2021

I've been on Lupron for two years. The treatments have ended. How long do the side effects last? Thanks for any insight you can provide.

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I did 18 months of ADT, 6x90 days shots starting In Jan 17, last shot was May 18 so by August 18 the Lupron had cleared my system. My T was 135 in October and by Feb 19 it was 482. The side affects I experienced while on Lupron, fatigue, hot flashes, genitalia shrinkage and muscle and joint stiffness began to wane three months and by six months were more or less gone.

While on Lupron I continued to exercise - biking, hiking, swimming, walks, swimming, lifting weights, skiing, basketball, yard work...I also kept an eye on my diet to keep the weight under control, checked in with my GP and Cardiologist to monitor metabolic and cardiovascular health as urologists and oncologists typically do not do that.

I chose not to take any medicine for the hot flashes, just dealt with it. Of course, I never ran the heater in my car, swam in the unheated pool, would spend time on the deck in the winter.


I took them for two years. I was under impression the effects would last up to half the time I took injections. My last injection was September of 2020. I am still weak and fatigued. I am incontentent and have no libido.


@jonbuuck, I'm tagging some of the prostate gang who had Lupron, like @frankstags @bruto1 @dmadi61 @john57 @semeon @kujhawk1978 @ednh @dave2020 @ken82 and @dave2020 to share their experiences with side effects and how long they lasted after completing treatment.

In the meantime, you may also be interested in this related discussion:
- Lupron dosing: side effects for 3 month dose vs. monthly dose

Jon, How long ago did you complete Lupron treatment? What side effects are you eager to see the end of?

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