How long do Lupron side effects last after treatment concludes?

Posted by jbuuck @jonbuuck, May 10, 2021

I've been on Lupron for two years. The treatments have ended. How long do the side effects last? Thanks for any insight you can provide.

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I think you meant to say your PSA was 3.3 in the beginning ?

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Why yes....that is what I meant. My Gl was 7, 4+3


Dear jbuuck, you raise a good question. I had cancer with a 4+4 Gleason score. Mayo doctors prescribed 3 lupron shots in 6 month intervals in addition to 20 proton beam treatments. My treatment began in November 2018. I was told the side effects of the Lupron could last for the same number of months after my treatment as I was on Lupron. So, that period ended in April of this year. I have to say that all of my side effects are gone. My libido has returned but I do have some ED. That could be result of age, I'm 77.
Along the way, in addition to exercise, I had an infusion (can't remember the name of drug) to strengthen bone density to counteract effect of lose of testosterone. I've been assured that testosterone will be restored and bone density will be restored. Almost everyone who takes Lupron will have bone density issues, which will increase potential of breaks.
I don't know if my experience will match yours. My brother is now going through treatment similar to mine and his reaction has been different then mine.

For me, the biggest take away is that you will return more normal life after the ADT but it takes some time.

Best of luck to you. You have a lot of brothers going through the same thing you are experiencing.


My Gleason was 3.3 in the beginning and now is 0.05.

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I think you meant to say your PSA was 3.3 in the beginning ?


There are many factors and much variation as you might expect given the heterogeneous nature of prostate cancer, our individual health history...One factor is length of time on ADT, some are six months, others are 24-36 months. I was on it 18 months. Last shot, a 90 day shot, was May 18, so that was effective through July. By October T was returning (135). So, around three months. By February, seven months, T had returned 482 which was higher than when I started my third round of treatment in Jan 17. As you might expect, the side affects started to abate within the first 90 days and by 6-12 months, gone.

I believe that a regular exercise program was a factor in my recovery after those 18 months. I can't point to any studies but have seen various comments on the forums about it's role.


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Hi Chris from the UK again.
I was diagnosed with locally advaced PC with Gleeson 10 last Sept.
Been on Lupron pretty much since day 1 and not really had any negative side effects apart from the obvious ones due to lack of T.
I am 61 and before diagnosis was fit and well and very active.
I changed my diet on diagnosis lost over 2 stone and continued with a daily exercise regime.
My prognosis is looking good and having had 2 rounds of chemo and curently half way through 20 rounds of radio, am still hopefull of a positive outcome.
I have read many times on numerous forums and in respected scientific/ medical publications the benefits of taking regular exercise and moving to a healthy diet. Low fat and sugar and more fruit and veg particular cruciferous.
My consultant has confirmed to me on many an occasion that he believes that my daily exercise and diet has contributed significantly to my good response to treatments so much so that he says it should be considered as an important element of the overall treatment plan in their own right.


My testosterone is back to 370. Has not helped with ED. I see a pelvic therapist; she helps with the groin pain and urinary frequency. I also see a sex expert. He prescribed Viagra. So far, no results. I need to see my cancer counselor about my depression.


What was your gleason score? Thanks and be well!

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My Gleason was 3.3 in the beginning and now is 0.05.


I was on for two years. Nothing has come back yet. I have been off for a year and a half. I am 75. My urologists say I ought to be thinking about stuff other than sex. I had RP first and then 44 photon radiation treatments as well. All made me shorter and contributed to my ED.


There are many factors and much variation as you might expect given the heterogeneous nature of prostate cancer, our individual health history...One factor is length of time on ADT, some are six months, others are 24-36 months. I was on it 18 months. Last shot, a 90 day shot, was May 18, so that was effective through July. By October T was returning (135). So, around three months. By February, seven months, T had returned 482 which was higher than when I started my third round of treatment in Jan 17. As you might expect, the side affects started to abate within the first 90 days and by 6-12 months, gone.

I believe that a regular exercise program was a factor in my recovery after those 18 months. I can't point to any studies but have seen various comments on the forums about it's role.



I was on Lupron for 6mo. and it took a good 6mo. to come off of it. I started in April and did not see improvements until one year later. Most everything has come back to normal except the pain in my feet & hands sometimes. Everyone is different but getting off that sh.. is tough! Good luck!

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What was your gleason score? Thanks and be well!


What are the side effects of permanently low testosterone?

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