Leg weakness from Peripheral Neuropathy

Posted by bennettrory @bennettrory, Jan 18 6:37am

Hello all! I have had a lower back injury since 2018. It has been undiagnosed and I have had many nerve tests coming back negative. But when ever I push my legs limitations. I lose the ability to stand or walk. Due to the nerve damage. Anyone else have these symptoms? I desperately would love some insight or knowledge on how to bounce back or make things better. Thank you

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuropathy Support Group.

It does sound like nerve compression from the injury. Have you had a lumbar MRI lately.


Hello @bennettrory, I would like to add my welcome to Connect along with @gently and others. You might want to look at a discussion started by @jenniferhunter which can provide relief for a lot of different conditions.
-- Myofascial Release Therapy (MFR) for treating compression and pain:
I agree with @gently about the possibility of nerve compression. Have you had any additional discussions with your doctor or a spine specialist to see if nerve compression might be causing your symptoms?


Hello, bennettrory (@bennettrory)

Welcome to the Forum! My attention was caught by your mentioning “leg limitations.” My No. 1 challenge is restoring leg strength. Mine is large-fiber neuropathy, so I’ve no pain but lots of problems with balance and walking. Several years ago, I met with a neurological surgeon who checked my spine from tip to tail, concluding that while yes I had some borderline compression in my cervical spine, he felt the compression had no bearing on my lower-body neuropathy. Then, only last March, I was diagnosed with a septic infection. I ended up hospitalized and in rehab for several months. Today, I’m still recovering from the damage that was done to my leg strength as a result of my septic experience. On days when I’m feeling pretty strong, if I (as you say) “push my legs limitations,” I end up with an hour or so of extreme wobbliness. This happened to me only yesterday. The feeling is like my internal gyroscope has become hopelessly confused.

My very best to you! I wish you success in finding some help with your standing and walking.

Ray (@ray666)


in reply to @bennettrory I have a similar problem, and for which I am seeing a back surgeon this coming week to find out if the tarlov cysts that have come back after having them removed years ago, is the cause for this 'new' sensation of weakness I often get now in both legs. While I am walking 3-5 miles per day, frequently in the evening, I find that my legs feel weak, not from walking. I hope that potentially having back surgery again will alleviate the issue. I did not see you mention anything about what I have, and I wonder if you have any kind of diagnostic studies, other than nerve studies, that might explain your issue


Could it be radiculopathy down the leg? My spine is entirely herniated, bulging and painful. After having anterior hip replacement in 2022, the entire leg is numb and tingly. PN was ruled out so that's my doctor's diagnosis. I am in PT for balance problems so that's better, but what bothers me the most is the low back area with spondylolisthesis and the numb leg to the foot. Doctors push new ways to do surgery but end up leaving the patient debilitated. Good luck


I'm new to this and hoping to learn so I can catch the neuropathy early to start working on it early. Thanks to all who share their thoughts and experiences to help others!


I'm new to this and hoping to learn so I can catch the neuropathy early to start working on it early. Thanks to all who share their thoughts and experiences to help others!

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Welcome @menholiday, We are glad you found Connect! I shared my neuropathy journey along with other members in another discussion here - https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/member-neuoropathy-journey-stories-whats-yours/. You may also want to scan through the many other discussions in the Neuropathy Support Group to see what others have wanted to discuss. Here's a link that lists the discussions - https://connect.mayoclinic.org/group/neuropathy/.

Have you been recently diagnosed with neuropathy? What are your symptoms?


I have idiopathic peripheral neuropathy. My feet are numb and tingling.... to different degrees on different days.... but, thankfully, I have no pain. A neurologist I saw said that this was probably radiculopathy, instead.... but had no real solutions. My biggest concern is with balance and walking. I have begun using AFOs that fit into my shoes and that seems to help with balance. But I, too, notice a weakness, especially in my calf muscles, after walking for a long period. I assume this is "nerve related".... but not sure. I try to walk each day, but I can't tell that regular exercise is making my calf muscles feel any stronger. John (above) has given you some links to check out. He is a storehouse of information and very good about sharing. Do be sure to check those links and read as much as you possibly can. Best wishes! Mike


I'm new to this and hoping to learn so I can catch the neuropathy early to start working on it early. Thanks to all who share their thoughts and experiences to help others!

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I’m so new to this and don’t even know if I’m signed up correctly. My fingers are numb and so much pain in my right arm. What to do. Had a MRI and that didn’t show anything waiting to hear from my Dr, the pain is awful. Please help??


It does sound like nerve compression from the injury. Have you had a lumbar MRI lately.

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I am scheduled for another one. Just waiting for them to call me for an appointment

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