Leg weakness
Hello I have leg weakness in my left leg when I walk it sometimes will want to freeze up on me , or sometimes it acts like it wants to lift involuntary. I also have timed when it spases on me, it got to point even using my walker I have a hard time walking sometimes. I have had several mri's , nerve conducting test and they can't figure pit what the problem is. It is really getting annoying, I just would like to be able to walk normally again, I do have a neurological condition which is neurofibromatosis type 1 , but Dr's do not think that has any relation to my leg symptoms or if it is they can not find any of the tumors on my nerves that would affect it. I been told it could be a pinch nerve , or static, but once again all test keep coming back normal, unless it a pinch nerve so small they can't fins it, cause sometimes, I do get to where on the left side of my upper back near my shoulder below low that in that general area I will have where it feels like a pinch nerve. I also do every few months get where my left arm and hand will have spasing symptoms and if I try to hold something in my left hand I will drop it, but once again all test come back negative, and they have rulled out MS and Parkinson diease. So to me it a mystery. I just wish I could figure it out , or what type dr I need to see, cause my neurologist and primary dr can't figure it out. 😕
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have you tried physical therapy to strengthen your muscles. It can't be solved overnight but over the weeks having therapy twice a week will make a difference.
Have you had MRI of your cervical spine and reviewed the report in detail yourself? Your symptoms sound like cervical spondylitic myelopathy (spinal cord flattening/compression injury). I have this.
Did you have MRIs of your brain and lumbar spine? Have you seen an orthopedic spine specialist to review your current symptoms? My neurologist did a lot of testing but not treatment. It took me over 5 years and many doctors to finally get diagnosed with myelopathy and my surgeon recommended surgery asap to stop the progression of myelopathy spinal cord injury (had bone spurs and disc bulges due to degenerative disc disease at c5-c6 level). I have a new herniated disc at c6-c7 and need surgery in the next few months. It causes many symptoms below my neck, including bladder control issues. I am a 55 year old female but my body feels like 85 many days. This also causes me arm/hand pain/weakness and I drop things.
I will have to have my neurologist look into it to see if they have done one on my spine
Have you tried a chiropractor? I go periodically for my right hip that seems to get a pinch that makes me move cautiously. That hip has a very tight hip flexor and he helps to gently stretch it over a couple of visits and also gives me an exercise to do at home.
I have leg muscles weakness after lumbar surgery. I still haven't gotten any answers. I have fell twice.
I did physical therapy for 3 weeks after surgery. I go back to my surgeon. Hope to get answers