Leg is bowed outward below knee after torn meniscus
So I'm in pain all the time due to a knee problem well torn meniscus and no surgery. Now my leg is bowed outward below the knee and can not even straighten it and is very painful. What could it be and can it be fixed
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What would make my leg bow outward after a torn meniscus and broken ankle that healed wrong
@keifer I'm sure you have seen someone about this, but have you consulted with an orthopedic surgeon? An improperly healed injury of this type will nearly always require some type of surgery.
How long has it been since you injured your knee? What have you done to treat it since then?
If you are not bearing weight for a long time on that leg, it can cause atrophy and alignment changes.
You may need an orthopedic specialist to do a MRI of your knee/calf to see what is going on. Most likely need surgery and bracing the support your leg during healing. The longer you delay proper care, the more damage you may be causing to your knee/calf.
Did you see an orthopedic specialist when you injured your knee and ankle? Did you have surgery on your knee and casting of your ankle?
How long has it been since your injury? It sounds like the alignment is off between knee/ankle and you may have atrophy if not putting weight on that leg.