LCIS - help me make it make sense

Posted by ladylorelei @ladylorelei, 3 days ago

ER and PR+ LCIS and ALH from core needle mri guided biopsy. Discovered on mri. Very dense breast tissue. Family history of Ovarian cancer. 54, no history of BC. Everything points to watch and wait. “It’s not cancer” “ it’s hard to detect” but “watch and wait” and, oh, by the way, radiation and hormone blockers “just to be safe”. Ugh. If it’s not really cancer, and I shouldn’t be worried, just monitor closely, but yet it’s hard to detect, why the risks of radiation and hormone blockers? Why not just remove my breasts and worry less? Please help me make it make sense! If it’s hard to detect, why am I watching and waiting. If it’s not cancer and likely won’t become cancer, why shitty radiation and hormone blockers?!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Breast Cancer Support Group.

Hopefully this Mayo Clinic article can clear things up for you.
If you search LCIS on connect, you will find that many of the members with this diagnosis are making treatment decisions.
Watch and wait isn’t what I would call the active treatment of radiation and hormone blockers. Watch and wait usually refers to increased monitoring only. Maybe these were the choices you had? Could it be watch and wait, or active treatment?

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