Latest in bone health research
Osteoboston is hosting a discussion with Dr. Nancy Lane from U. C. Davis. She will be talking about the latest research in bone health. Tuesday evening Feb 4. For more details And instructions on how to attend online, go to
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Osteoporosis & Bone Health Support Group.
Thank you for this information. I went to the website but for whatever reason, I cannot find the instructions on how to attend this event You might know what I am doing wrong trying to locate the information.
Darn. Can I forward the email notification so that you can cut/paste and post here. Not tech savvy
Shelly Gladstein
Feb 1, 2025, 11:59 AM (22 hours ago)
to bcc: me
Hello OsteoBoston member!
This Tuesday OsteoBoston hosts esteemed researcher, Dr. Nancy Lane!
Dr. Lane is working on "cutting edge" bone science and I am beyond delighted that she is taking time to speak with us!
Please read this info taken from the UC Davis website about Dr. Lane, Endowed Professor of Medicine and Rheumatology, Director of Center for Musculoskeletal Health...
Dr. Lane is an internationally recognized scientist in the fields of both osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. Her translational research team has been instrumental in defining the role of glucocorticoids in bone fragility including their effects on cell stress and vulnerable cell populations including osteocytes. As a faculty member at the University of California at San Francisco, she pioneered a seminal clinical trial to demonstrate that daily injections of the hormone PTH could reverse glucocorticoid induced osteoporosis. After transitioning to U.C. Davis, she a developed a novel compound to direct stem cells to the bone to grow new bone and treat osteoporosis. In addition she has uncovered novel genetic variations that predispose individuals to osteoarthritis and has studied novel treatments for osteoarthritis. She organized and directs an NIH funded junior faculty grant writing workshop that has taught over 300 junior faculty in musculoskeletal medicine grant writing skills that has resulted in a 45% success rate in applicants receiving research grants (2006-present).
Here is the Zoom link for you ...
Topic: The latest research on bone health with Dr. Nancy Lane
Time: Feb 4, 2025 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 928 5968 5608
Passcode: 557983
New Information:
1. If you are new to OsteoBoston, please email me back that Feb 4th will be your first meeting, so that we may welcome you in the 2nd hour of the program!
2. Tech support: Tech Support & Meeting Etiquette
If you experience any connection issues while joining the Zoom support group meeting, Carly Dobbins with the Osteoporosis Foundation of New Mexico has kindly offered to assist.
Carly is available to help ensure everyone can join smoothly. If you need assistance, please call or text Carly at 505-239-8642.
Additionally, please remember to stay muted during the presentation to minimize background noise and ensure a smooth experience for everyone.
You may unmute yourself during the discussion portion or use the chat feature to ask questions.
I'm really looking forward to seeing you there!
Shelly G
Shelly Gladstein, OsteoBoston
Bone Health and Osteoporosis Foundation
Support Group Facilitator
YouTube channel:
My story:
OsteoBoston's Guide to Online Resources for the patient with Osteoporosis:
Website: (
Please note that the information and opinions expressed on any of the programs during Zoom casts with our speakers ( or in written form) are intended to address specific questions asked or situations described on the program and are not designed to constitute complete and professional advice or recommendations.
Members of our group should not act on or rely upon any and all information contained in any of the zooms or written material shared without seeking the advice of other medical professionals in the field.
Please email Shelly and let her know if you are new to OsteoBoston!!
Thank you for sharing !
I will make use of all the information
you have posted.
Osteoboston is great. Enjoy watching her.
Shelly is one of the few, as far as I can tell,
who does not monetize her time and effort
helping the bonehealth community.
( I plan to write to thank her
for her consideration and generosity)
Just a few days ago, saw a clinical study on Forteo.
It may or may not apply to Tymlos.
It is dated 2022 to Author's notes 2024 (pdf)
The subject is 4 years cyclical, which means 3 months
on and 3 months off - versus daily for 24 months.
What are the benefits? etc,,
And what's also great is that Shelly posts Osteoboston monthly events/interviews on its Youtube channel. So if you can't attend the event in person, you can find it on Youtube shortly afterwards.
It is an interesting study whatever it's limits in that 48months of daily teriparatide is the most effective.
With alternative dosing in 48 month the bones are in a similar situation as daily dosing at 24 months.
The problem is that it would take the insurance companies a long time to catch up with any new recommended treatment plans, because right now they will likely only approve Tymlos or Forteo for two calendar years.
I hope this protocol will be offered soon. It gives another 2 years of treatment where we don’t have to figure out what to do. It also may give more freedom to those who travel a lot and not worry about keeping the pen at the right temperature.