Large over night weight gain, diarrheas', stomach cramps

Posted by gohan @gohan, Jun 28, 2023

Over the past 4 years I have gained over 65 lbs (maybe more if you look at lose a little gain more). This gain has been generally in large bursts (between 5 and 25 lbs over night). This type of gain occurs with the following symptoms 1 to 12 hrs after eating experience cramping/nausea/cold sweat then diarrheas' (loose watery stool along with gas). Recently I have noticed that certain foods sets this off. The list is growing. Can anyone help with what type of doctor one should see for this? I don't eat enough to warrant this gain usually 1 maybe 2 meals a day and exercise 4 to 5 days a week.

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@gohan, The symptoms you describe sound similar to Dumping Syndrome. Here is a newsfeed article and a discussion on the condition that you might want to take a look at to see if it matches your symptoms.

--- Managing Symptoms: Dumping Syndrome:
--- How Do You Treat Stomach Dumping Syndrome:

A gastroenterologist would normally be the type of doctor who specializes in treating digestive system disorders. Have you talked with your doctor about your symptoms to see if they will provide a referral?


Have you tried giving up dairy and gluten? I know to some people it's a fad but even if you don't have Celiac you can be gluten intolerant. The standard of checking that would be a endoscopic biopsy. You really should be seen by a gastroenterologist. I don't have Celiac but I have something called CVID which means I'm immuno compromised. I have to do subq infusions of other peoples plasma to get their antibodies and sometimes this condition effects the GI tract and mimics Celiac. Before I gave up gluten I wouldn't be able to leave the house and it would last for days. There is help you should get it check it out. But don't change you diet until you get this looked at.


Have you been tested for H Pylori?


Not sure about the weight gain, but I had cramping at night with cold sweats and diarrhea for 2 months and no one could figure out what was wrong with me. They kept saying IBS and I kept telling them its not IBS! I was perfectly healthy with normal bowel movements daily before this all started. Really greasy food made me run for the hills almost right after eating it. I lost over 30 pounds during that time though because I was nauseous and didnt want to eat much because it all left my body as soon as I went to bed. Anyway, I was given antibiotics for a separate issue and it cleared up whatever this was. Gastro thinks it may have been really bad SIBO but I got that test well after the antibiotic treatment.

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