Itching/burning skin - what works best

Posted by zaclind1272 @zaclind1272, Nov 15, 2022

Hello, I’m new to this group and haven’t had chemo or radiation for 1.5 years. About 3 months ago I noticed my joints in my fingers and really whole body began to hurt. Then I started to have itching all over my body especially at night. Still have the aches and pains and itching but now parts of my skin are burning. It’s like shingles without the rash. I was tested for shingles and that was negative. I’ve tried Gabapentin but that’s not helping so now I’m going to try Cymbalta. Anyone have this skin burning and what are you taking that help? Thanks

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Welcome @zaclind1272. Does @greekgod777's experience sound like yours? See here:
- T-cell lymphoma: How to treat the itching and burning?

What kind of cancer did you have?


Welcome @zaclind1272. Does @greekgod777's experience sound like yours? See here:
- T-cell lymphoma: How to treat the itching and burning?

What kind of cancer did you have?

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I have oligodendroglioma grade 3. Brain cancer, tumor was removed then did 33 rounds of proton radiation and 4 months of PCV chemo.

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