IT Band Syndrome post TKR

Posted by robvires @robvires, May 2 10:15am

Has anyone had IT Band Syndrome after TKR? If so, how was it diagnosed and what was the treatment.

I'm at 6 months post TKR with constant pain on the outside of the knee as well as below and an above the knee cap. Additionally there’s a popping sound when walking. Pain gets worse with any activity. Saw surgeon at 3 months and was told to be patient. Have appt on Monday (6 months) and hoping for a plan.

Based on a lot of on-line research I’m wondering we it is IT Band Syndrome. I should be getting better not worse.

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I’ve had ITBS. Ouch! Difficult to treat. I haven’t had knee surgery though. PT helped mine,


I had ITBS prior to my total knee replacement. It is quite painful and really affected my ability to move. Have you tried cupping for the pain? My massage therapist suggested it and the results were amazing. The pain didn’t go away immediately, but I was able to do the PT exercises after the cupping sessions.

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