Is my statin causing peripheral neuropathy?

Posted by natejr @natejr, Dec 22, 2023

In June 2023, my physician prescribed Rosuvastatin Calcium 40 MG to lower my LDL below 70. In September 2023, I started to experience numbness and tingling in my fingertips so I was referred to a neurologist who ordered an EMG for carpal tunnel. The test results indicated that there was no Electrodiagnostic evidence of neuropathy in either upper extremity or of right cervical radiculopathy.
Based on that diagnosis, I was left with the conclusion that I did not have neuropathy and started to pursue other reasons this could be happening.

In the meantime, I noticed that when I took Doxepin 10 MG; a medication I had been prescribed for insomnia, the pain when away. So, I started taking 1 capsule of Doxepin each night and the pain subsided for the entire day so I continued taking them on a daily basis. Over time, the numbness and tingling in my fingertips stopped and that’s when I started experiencing what felt like I was being stabbed all over my body throughout the day. At this point, I was taking 1 Doxepin capsule twice a day and it helped manage the nerve pain.

In November 2023, I received the lipid panel results of being on Rosuvastatin. My LDL was reduced from 78 to 55.6; which achieved the desired results. On a positive note, my HbA1C remained at 5.4 but my Creatine Kinase increased to 300 (Normal Range: 60 – 270). Also, for the first time, I had protein in my urine with a value of 30 mg/dl; which is the highest level of normal. At this point, I stopped taking Rosuvastatin and started taking Atorvastatin Calcium 80 MG. In addition to this, I started taking Gabapentin 300 MG; one capsule three times a day. I have an appointment to see a neurologist to hopefully diagnosis what’s happening with me but that’s not until May 2024. In an attempt to better understand neuropathy and taking a statin I learned that the National Institutes of Health indicated that neuropathy was observed in a neurological examination performed within the first year in 50% of the Rosuvastatin users and 18% of those taking Atorvastatin. The severity of the polyneuropathy increased with the duration of the treatment in the Atorvastatin group (p=0.030).

Meanwhile, I continue taking the Gabapentin every eight hours but there are times when the pain is almost unbearable. My current schedule is: 7am – 3pm, 3pm – 11pm, and 11pm – 7am. The time frame that’s the most difficult for pain is 3pm – 11pm and for whatever reason, the medication’s effectiveness during this time frame only provides relief for and average of four hours versus eight hours during the other two periods.

Has anyone had any experience taking either of these statins and have been diagnosed with neuropathy? If so, are you aware of a statin that effectively lowers your LDL without causing neuropathy?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuropathy Support Group.

I had the neuropathy in my feet. Went off vitamin B, cholesterol and calcium pills and the pain is mostly gone. I still get very cold feet when I take off my indoor shoes but get in bed with the electric blanket on and it resolves. A lot of people have muscle problems with cholesterol drugs, but I'm trying a better diet to bring down my cholesterol. Good luck!!


I’ve used statins since 2006, about 18 years. I learned of correlation possibly between these and PN, after diagnosis of idiopathic neuropathy (unknown etiology). I discussed with cardiologist and got off statins for a year. It made no difference in neurological pain, so I resumed them. Rosuvastatin does help mitigate high cholesterol.
FWIW, after reviewing medical videos on YouTube I’m exploring dietary changes which sound promising.


I took atorvastatin for years. Also, over the past ten years developed PN. I never put the two together until reading a post in Mayo Clinic.

Last Summer I asked my GP about it ad he switched me to a non-statin med Extimbe (sp?) that is supposed to be as effective controlling cholesterol as the statins. I didn’t realize there was this alternative but if statins do contribute to PN, this is definitely worth it. Hope this helps.


Hi @natejr, I'd like to add my welcome to Connect along with @daisy22, @stress, @intlguyct and @su8. My doc wanted me to go on statins also but I was worried about it making my neuropathy worse so decided to work on lowering my cholesterol numbers through some lifestyle changes with eating and exercise. There is plenty of evidence of statin induced neuropathy. I have no medical training or background but think that it could be causing or aggravating your symptoms of neuropathy. Here are some reference sources I've found.

The implications of statin induced peripheral neuropathy

Statin Neuropathy Masquerading as Diabetic Autoimmune Polyneuropathy

Medication Induced Neuropathy

You may also be interested in another related discussion where you can meet other members discussing statins and neuropathy.
--- Statin discontinued due to neuropathy. What are some alternatives?:


Hi @natejr, I'd like to add my welcome to Connect along with @daisy22, @stress, @intlguyct and @su8. My doc wanted me to go on statins also but I was worried about it making my neuropathy worse so decided to work on lowering my cholesterol numbers through some lifestyle changes with eating and exercise. There is plenty of evidence of statin induced neuropathy. I have no medical training or background but think that it could be causing or aggravating your symptoms of neuropathy. Here are some reference sources I've found.

The implications of statin induced peripheral neuropathy

Statin Neuropathy Masquerading as Diabetic Autoimmune Polyneuropathy

Medication Induced Neuropathy

You may also be interested in another related discussion where you can meet other members discussing statins and neuropathy.
--- Statin discontinued due to neuropathy. What are some alternatives?:

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Tks, but my friend actually figured it out on her own. I do not take the drug, nor will I.


My experience with Atorvastatin and Ezetimibe: I was put on atorvastatin 80mg daily when I had a stroke January 1, 2022. Stroke-unknown cause, I’ve had a loop recorder implant since then and there is no Afib. I have had a cardiomyopathy with reduced ejection fraction (CMP rEF) diagnosed 2002 as viral induced. My arteries have been determined normal and clear of restrictions/plaque in repeated cardiac caths over the years. However my LDL was somewhat elevated ( in the near optimal range) and the docs wanted it really low hence the atorvastatin (and such a high dose -80-omg!). 6 weeks later I saw a clinic provider in cardiology and told him I was experiencing muscle fatigue and pain increasingly in my legs. Lower down toward feet was more pain. He reduced it to 40mg. 3 weeks later I suffered a complete Achilles tendon rupture. My foot was literally disconnected from my calf muscle. Helluva recovery. 2 months later I was in a neurology apt and the doc said the tendon rupture is a rare side effect of atorvastatin (maybe any statin I dont know) and ordered off of it immediately. Later on cardiology decided to try Ezetimibe as mentioned earlier in this thread. Within 2 days I had tingling down my legs, worse at my feet and overall feeling of inflammation. No go on that one either. I’m off of cholesterol lowering meds now and hope for the best. My HDL is nice and hi and triglycerides are low so I can’t stress over it.


My experience with Atorvastatin and Ezetimibe: I was put on atorvastatin 80mg daily when I had a stroke January 1, 2022. Stroke-unknown cause, I’ve had a loop recorder implant since then and there is no Afib. I have had a cardiomyopathy with reduced ejection fraction (CMP rEF) diagnosed 2002 as viral induced. My arteries have been determined normal and clear of restrictions/plaque in repeated cardiac caths over the years. However my LDL was somewhat elevated ( in the near optimal range) and the docs wanted it really low hence the atorvastatin (and such a high dose -80-omg!). 6 weeks later I saw a clinic provider in cardiology and told him I was experiencing muscle fatigue and pain increasingly in my legs. Lower down toward feet was more pain. He reduced it to 40mg. 3 weeks later I suffered a complete Achilles tendon rupture. My foot was literally disconnected from my calf muscle. Helluva recovery. 2 months later I was in a neurology apt and the doc said the tendon rupture is a rare side effect of atorvastatin (maybe any statin I dont know) and ordered off of it immediately. Later on cardiology decided to try Ezetimibe as mentioned earlier in this thread. Within 2 days I had tingling down my legs, worse at my feet and overall feeling of inflammation. No go on that one either. I’m off of cholesterol lowering meds now and hope for the best. My HDL is nice and hi and triglycerides are low so I can’t stress over it.

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I went off my cholesterol drug when I thought I had peripheral neuropathy. I also went off B vitamin and calcium pill. My symptoms are 80% better. I still get cold feet and if a shoe doesn't fit my left foot ok, they are donated. I've had so many problems after my anterior total hip on the Hana table.


Hi @natejr, I'd like to add my welcome to Connect along with @daisy22, @stress, @intlguyct and @su8. My doc wanted me to go on statins also but I was worried about it making my neuropathy worse so decided to work on lowering my cholesterol numbers through some lifestyle changes with eating and exercise. There is plenty of evidence of statin induced neuropathy. I have no medical training or background but think that it could be causing or aggravating your symptoms of neuropathy. Here are some reference sources I've found.

The implications of statin induced peripheral neuropathy

Statin Neuropathy Masquerading as Diabetic Autoimmune Polyneuropathy

Medication Induced Neuropathy

You may also be interested in another related discussion where you can meet other members discussing statins and neuropathy.
--- Statin discontinued due to neuropathy. What are some alternatives?:

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I m wondering if my neuropathy idiopathic is related to stains


I went off my cholesterol drug when I thought I had peripheral neuropathy. I also went off B vitamin and calcium pill. My symptoms are 80% better. I still get cold feet and if a shoe doesn't fit my left foot ok, they are donated. I've had so many problems after my anterior total hip on the Hana table.

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My left foot seems larger also .
A nerve test says my right foot is worst than left
Idiopathic from one dr and poly neuropathy another
I’ve been skipping cholesterol med
I did stop Ezta in august then started again in nov .
I think I also I feel like my eyes aren’t as dry. Like more tears off statins


I had the neuropathy in my feet. Went off vitamin B, cholesterol and calcium pills and the pain is mostly gone. I still get very cold feet when I take off my indoor shoes but get in bed with the electric blanket on and it resolves. A lot of people have muscle problems with cholesterol drugs, but I'm trying a better diet to bring down my cholesterol. Good luck!!

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Taking you shoes off does that start a restless ness?
I haven’t tried heating blanket but I may try heating pad
Usually don’t like blankets on feet
There was a time or two I will put a pillow at the foot to hold blankets up and off
I did have that cortisone injection in ankle and Dr. put half in the area of the middle of toes and above on the top of foot
It seems to have calmed the foot a little and that was in September . I am wondering if it related to statin
Ezta .it feels like gout a strong stiff pain through big toe also

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