intraosseous hemangiomas

Posted by phillrachel925 @phillrachel925, 4 days ago

Has anyone had MRI of spine done and been diagnosed with intraosseous hemangiomas? My thoracic MRI states this - Several scattered intraosseous hemangiomas most evident within the T3, T8, and T11 vertebral bodies. Hemangiomas worry me as I had one on liver that kept growing over several years and required a liver resection at Mayo clinic. I'm not sure if I should be worried about these intraosseous hemangiomas found on thoracic vertebral bodies.

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I have been diagnosed with several atypical thoracic hemangiomas. I am not familiar with the intraosseous hemangiomas. Maybe someone else is familiar with this.

I have had a spinal MRI and a pet scan but there is still a question as to whether these are hemangiomas or breast cancer metastasis. In 3 months I will have a thoracic and a lumbar MRI to hopefully rule out cancer.

Sorry that I couldn't help you.


@phillrachel925 Welcome to Connect. I am a spine surgery patient and have a few hemangiomas in my spine that were incidental findings. My doctor assured me there was nothing to worry about. I found this discussion that you may be interested in.

Vertebral hemangiomas

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