Intraductal prostate carcinoma: What is standard treatment?

Posted by dodgerblue @dodgerblue, May 1, 2023

Seems this diagnosis is rare. E Does anyone know what the “standard of treatment” t” is the best approach to this issue?

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I REALLY appreciate your comments/response. I’m curious as to why you chose radiation over removal of your prostate? My doc, who describes the issue as mysterious, feels removing would allow pathological studies to determine precisely what we are looking at. Case studies I’ve found are not promising. I, as of yet, have no indication of metastasis. I’ve been engaged in active surveillance for low grade, 3+3 Gleason for almost 12 years. I wish you the very best. Never would have thought we would be encountering such an unusual challenge. I have filed with the VA under the newly enact pact act. Please continue to let me know how you are progressing.


I am also confused and a little bit frustrated with this part of the journey. I am 75 yrs and diagnosed in 2/2022.
Prior to going to Mayo I received a biopsy thru my local urologist. In addition to a 4+3=7 gleason score it mentioned "evidence of intraductal spread". A few months later I went to Mayo (2hrs away). The biopsy samples were requested from the 1st pathology lab and re-analyzed by Mayo Pathology.
The new comment made was "prescence of intraductal carcinoma cannot be eliminated". The comment from my Mayo oncologist was my aggressive high risk cancer was "more aggressive " . The treatment did not change. It was (and is) 39 IMRT sessions (completed 7/2022), Lupron, and Zytiga (24 months w 8 mos complete). Currently my PSA is 0.1ng/ml.
Intraductal carcinoma is a newer discovery with little understanding. Given what you have described as a diagnosis and the difficulty in finding answers, I would strongly advise a "Center for Excellence " ( Mayo for example) to help with a path forward. I went thru the same distress until Mayo . Mayo Phoenix was very willing to work with the VA of N. Az. if you happen to be a vet. Holler if you have any questions.
Good Luck To All of Us


I can find no medical practitioners who have any knowledge about Intraductal carcinoma. I’m still looking for answers. In the meantime, I’m considering a prostatectomy. Very frustrating, to have no answers. I’ve been told it’s because it’s only 1.2% of prostate cancers. Most results are dismal.


Hi @dodgerblue, welcome. I'm tagging fellow protate cancer members @1hockeyjeff @spryguy @biih and @zj69 who also have intraductal carcinoma of the prostate. They can share their treatment experiences.

Dodgerblue, what treatments protocols were suggested for you?


Is Intraductal prostate carcinoma testosterone driven?

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