Input re: Mean Corpuscular Volume & Mean Platelet Volume labs, etc

Posted by summerof42 @summerof42, Jul 25, 2023

I went to see a new PCP who ended up being worthless (we've all been there) and let's just say I knew more than she did. I showed her some of my abnormal labs and she said she couldn't even interpret most of them because they were above and beyond her realm of medical education and just a PCP.

I mentioned I was experiencing a burning tongue and throat (awful) and when she looked at my tongue which has a white coating and she said typically this is seen with some sort of fungus. LT Covid continues to ravish and destroy my body! Went from being so incredibly healthy to being unable to thrive and live. Down to 89 lbs now.

Additionally, and the point of my post, I just got a lab result back it shows the following abnormal results, which were normal last year.

1. Mean Corpuscular Volume is high at 102.2 (range: 80.0 - 100.0)
2. Mean Platelet Volume 11.9 fL is high. (range7.0 - 11.0 )

Have any of you experienced this? When I looked it up online it of course indicates having to do with possible liver failure, or enlarged red blood cells, which we know Covid typical causes and transporting oxygen throughout your body.

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Specialized doctors are the way to go. I had white dried mucus on my tongue and roof of my mouth in September and October of last year. I have stage 3 esophageal cancer and that was part of it. You need to check yourself into a hospital, get hydrated and fed by iv. Prepare for a long stay of months and get a feeding tube.


No joke, under 100 pounds is serious enough, being under 90 is truly dying, stop procrastinating. You can't recover by yourself


Trust me, I'm NOT procrastinating. I asked to be checked in twice. The first time I was admitted because I begged my doctor who thinks it's all just anxiety, to please admit me. He did and they let me go the next day and all tests look good (they merely did an MRI) and released me, even after I begged them to please keep me there and find out what's going on.

Unless your doctor admits you, and even then, or truly dying and dropping to the floor, they won't do anything and let you go, or kick you out.

I had a dear friend whose husband had such severe vertigo, they would only give him a medication and kicked him out, twice. She took him to a different hospital where they told her had several strokes and is now in a nursing home with dementia and will never go home again.

If I was in Madison or up at Mayo, I would be going to the ER - here they don't care and kick you out. Worse yet, I am without a good PCP for any support.


No joke, under 100 pounds is serious enough, being under 90 is truly dying, stop procrastinating. You can't recover by yourself

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I was 105 pounds diagnosed with a malignant tumor in my esophagus, small opening in it and discharged to get chemo . 10 days later I'm 95 pounds, still weeks from my first chemo,unable to swallow water,brown urine,black bloody stool.

I spent 1 day preparing for a long hospital stay. Went late night to the emergency room and spent days getting hydration and protein and vitamins and minerals through iv. Then the feeding tube surgeries a week later. Then hospital izaion and rehab for over a month to get to 105 pounds upon discharge in early November


Wow, all of these responses are really frightening me. Starting to cry now since I'm all alone with no support. @jwkelly72, are you saying your blood work for what I mentioned in my original post, resulted in the same?


I'm saying get to the hospital emergency room now get an IV in, get fluids, proteins, get weight on you and a feeding tube surgery like I did. Little by lil you'll gain weight through stomach feeding. I don't know why you are online now when this is that serious. Pack a bag of clothes bring your iphone and charger. wallet. Get a ride by friend or cab
.. Remember to have your belongings catalogued and valuables like wallet put in a safe. Best wishes


I went to the emergency room and admitted every time. If you want to die now then don't go, stay home, do nothing, suffer , lie in bed and in days or weeks you'll be gone.


Ouch! I'm saying, I've done the ER Route twice and they just send me home. I guess it comes down to where you live, how the hospitals and doctors operate, in addition to what the Doctors I have seen to date wrote down in their notes. In my case, anxiety / depression even though blood work, tests etc say otherwise. Remember most Doctors don't know or even acknowledge LT Covid exists or how to treat it. I have yet to come across anyone I know or even in the city where I live or further out that has LT Covid.

At the risk of being honest, most of the best-of-the-best Doctors left the medical field and we have uneducated and/or caring MD's running the show who were graduated sooner because we are in desperate need of doctor and nurses. Not to mention insurance companies. I'm fighting just trying to survive and get short term disability!


You weigh under 90 pounds, any hospital would be liable for a lawsuit for not providing care to a dying person. Like I stated hydration by iv with proteins, vitamins and minerals then feeding tube surgery is your best bet at long term survival


The hospital was Northwestern University in Illinois - big major hospital. When I was there, they didn't even bother to weigh me! Pretty much left me in the room all day and then sent in a physciatrist for evaluation. Next day "doogie-howser" who looked all of 18 yrs old told me I'm fine, they're releasing me and follow up with my PCP.

Another true story - when I developed a chalazion on lower lid (another immune disorder) I saw an optometrist/plastic surgeon because it became inflamed and very red, looking infected. She took one look and said, no big deal it's just inflamed. Days later it really hurt, and I went to a different MD affiliated with another hospital and he lanced it, and pus came out and was infected. I filed a complaint against first Dr for improper care and treatment and the final decision was that she gave me proper care.

Sounds like you've been fortunate enough to have excellent medical care and facilities.

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